Tire Problems

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I stood around a little bit, and walked back to the cabin. I found Austin back in our room, "Did you do that!? Why the fuck would you be so selfish, if I want to leave let me! You did this to me!"

".. What are you talking about?! What did I do?"

"Don't act like you didn't do shit"

He looked confused, and didn't talk for a while. "Okay, I don't know what you're talking about Allison, but please forgive me about the whole Melissa thing? We were both drunk, and I wasn't thinking at all."

"Yeah you weren't thinking at all" I walked out the room and came back to my car. "Logan, can you please switch out my tire? I'm begging you."

"Of course Allison, so it was Austin?"

"I'm guessing, he said he wasn't thinking at all last night.. about anything" I wondered if anyone else knew about it "Hey did you happen to know where he was last night?"

"I don't remember I passed out on the couch"

"Ah okay" After 5 minutes of Logan taking out the tire, I studied it. I texted Serena, and Justine to come outside, I needed their comforting. Plus I didn't wanna go back inside. Serena replied "were coming." I was standing in the cold, waiting for Logan to hurry, and for Justine and Serena to come outside. My eyes were dry from crying too much, and my lips were chapped. I grabbed my Chapstick out of my bag in the car, and applied some on. And I noticed someone's phone on the driveway by the car door. I picked it up, and noticed it was Justine's. I hear Serena and Justine coming from behind me

"Oh there it is!"

"What's it doing by my car..."

"I don't even know, haha I don't remember going outsi-" she stared at the tire.

"... Oh shit, oh shit shit shit"

"You did this!?"

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry! What the fuck was I thinking!?"

It seemed like everyone was way too wasted to remember anything, I missed out on a lot.

"Ugh Justine!" Serena pushed Justine with her shoulder.

"I'm sorry! I didn't know!? Here I'll help you Logan" Justine said with sympathy.

I felt a little better it was Justine that did it, and not Austin.

While Justine was helping Logan, Lexi came walking towards me. "Hey wanna tell me what's wrong? What did Austin do now?"

I took a deep breath, and I could feel my eyes getting watery again. She immediately hugged me, and kept repeating "it's okay". Which made me cry even more, because it's not okay. I planted my chin on top of her shoulder and slowly whispered "Austin.. he, he slept with Melissa"

Lexi pulled me away from her, and held my arms "WHAT!?" Her eyes widened.

Serena noticed too, so she came rushing to me. "What's going on?"

Lexi shook her head and ran to the cabin, oh shit she's gonna tell Melissa.


I followed Lexi, and Serena followed me. She ran to Melissa's room. I stopped after she reached her door, I didn't wanna see her. Lexi pushed Melissa's bedroom door open and screamed "What the fuck!? How could you do such a thing!? She's your bestfriend you fucking bitch!"

I could hear Melissa crying, I started to cry even more. Lexi was still yelling and calling her names, while Meli was whispering to stop. I came inside the room, and it became quiet. There was really awkward silence, and sniffles from both Melissa and I.

Lexi left the room. I was waiting for an apology from her. I waited too long, I walked out the room and Melissa didn't say a word. But she started to cry even more. I ignored it and came back outside.

Logan finished putting the tire back in car. "Thank you so much Logan, are you coming with me?" I asked.

"Nah, I'll stay here for awhile. I still gotta pack" He said.

"Alright, thank you" I hugged him and kissed his cheek.

"Aye, listen if you need anything just call or text me okay? I'm here for you."

I smiled and got into the car. Serena, Justine and Lexi came too. So Melissa was left in the cabin with the boys, I'm sure that's all she wanted anyways. Since Justine didn't know what was going on, she asked "Wait, we forgot Melissa."

I didn't say a word, Lexi explained what happened to her. I still I didn't say a word the whole ride back home. I dropped the girls off at their houses, all of them suggested they stay with me. But that's not what I wanted, and they noticed that. I came crashing home and flopped on my bed. And fell asleep quickly.

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