Starbucks "Date"

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After they let go, finally we started walking to our physics class. This time Shawn and I were on opposite sides of the classroom, so it was hard to talk to him. After 2 hours of sitting and daydreaming, I figured it'd be impossible to communicate with Shawn. Unless we texted, or were in the same lab group. But first, I don't have his number and second our teacher's such a bitch and isn't fun; so no labs. The bell finally rings for lunch, and I decided to go to Starbucks. I have free period for 3rd, so I don't have to go back to school. I walked to the parking lot, praying that Shawn would follow.. And he did.

"Hey where you going?"

"Oh, I'm going to Starbucks haha #whitegirl.. you wanna come with? Or nahhhh it's fine if you don't want to."

"Well I actually love Starbucks so I'll come" he smirked.

"Alright I'll drive!"

"Oh no no, you're coming with me in my car."

I possibly couldn't give up the opportunity to ride in Shawn's car, so I went along. He parked across mine, and he had an all black range rover. Just like Taylor's, it was shiny and it looked brand new. Compared to my piece of crap car at least. He threw out his keys and unlocked the car, and it smelled like trees, "Wow, is this new?" I asked

"Nah, I've had it for about a year now. She's perfect isn't she" he rubbed the steering wheel slowly.

"Yeah, she.. she is." At this point, I was jealous of everything. Even a goddamn car. We were on our way to Starbucks, and he ordered and paid for me. I flopped down on one of the chairs while he waited for our drinks. It's so crazy how close we got by one class.. I'm glad we did though. I'm surprised I haven't bursted out crying, because I'm the biggest fangirl. I haven't been on my fan account in awhile, so I tweeted "@mcssjn: guys you'll never guess who I'm with"

And of course, Shawn was behind me.

"Oh you have a twitter? What is it, I'll follow you!"

I couldn't tell him my fan account, that would be waaaaay too embarrassing.

"Oh, you already follow me hahaha."

"Really, oh that's cool it's hard to keep up with my timeline and all that"

"Yeah.. Well", I stood up and grabbed my Starbucks out of his hands, when my hand met his I got tingles running through my body. "Thank you for this, I owe you!" I felt my voice shaking. His touch got me nervous, this didn't even happen with Austin. 

"You don't have to, it's fine. Well what do you wanna do now?" He seemed bored of me already, jeez.

"Well don't you have 3rd period?"

He rolled his eyes, and gave me a dirty look. I knew he despised school as much as I did.

"Ugh yeah, history actually"

"With who?"

"Mr.Mike I think"

Oh goodness, he has 3rd period with Austin. This is gonna be horrible, I got lost thinking of scenarios of what could happen. It's a good thing Shawn doesn't know what he did to me.. or my bestfriend. Shawn elbowed my arm while drinking, "what's wrong, is he a bad teacher or something? Please tell me he isn't"

"Oh no, Mr.Mike is great trust me!"

"Okay good.. then what is it?"

"What.. oh nothing, I just blanked out oops" I fake laughed, to make it seem like it wasn't serious

"Mmmmk, well you're lucky you don't have 3rd period pft"

"Well, you already know though" 

"Oh God Ali, okay I'm taking you back to your car haha"

We drove back to the school, singing loudly and sipping our Starbucks 99% of the time. Seconds passed really fast, we were already back at school by the end of the first song that was blasting on his radio. Shawn pulled up next to my car, and unlocks my door.

"Well, thanks again for the Starbucks. It was really nice getting to you know Shawn!" I smiled, as I started to exit the car.

"No problem, and same to you. See you tomorrow Allison"

I shut the door, and started walking to my car. Behind me I could hear another car door shut, as I spin around I see Shawn outside his range rover.

"You're not gonna give me a hug!?" he shouted across his car. I blushed, set my drink down and started walking toward him. He slowly jogged to me, and swooped me up and held my waist tight. His hugs were warm, I got chills from it though. His soft hands were rubbing my back slowly, and set me back down. Still wrapped around each other, rocking side to side. I swear we were hugging for almost exactly a minute, which is pretty long if you think about.

After he let go, I felt empty. I wanted to keep his body touching mine, longer. But without saying a word, he locked his car and went to his next class. As he was walking away, I got so excited and made sure he didn't see me. I did a little dance, and was hyperventilating. This really just happened? And I though the first day back would be horrible. 

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