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AN: These will probably be short chapters because it takes a lot of time to write like this. Also, the words in italics between the dash symbols (-like this- ) are actions you are taking. I hope you enjoy, this is quite new for me XD

Unknown: Hi

You: Hi, who is this?

Unknown: The guy you gave
your number to today left it
on the table

You: Well I kinda feel insulted.
Who are you?

Unknown: The guy who
picked up the forgotten
bit of paper.

You: Obviously, but who are

Unknown: Someone who thought
you were super hot. I was worried
about texting you but you're
replying soo..

You: I'm going to stop
replying if you don't
tell me who you are,

Unknown: Rude. I just wanted
to have a conversation


Unknown: You can call
me.... Mr Kim

You: No way in hell.

Unknown: Ok ok, call me T

You: T?

Unknown: Yeah, T sounds
good. It's short for my name
and kinda sounds like my
other name too.

You: You're really weird

-saves number in phone-

T: I'm just stressed and
want to talk to a cute girl

You: .... I'm not cute

T: You're right. You're super
hot. I changed my mind.
Call me daddy.

You: I don't fucking think so.

T: Boring. But that's okay,
I don't have a daddy kink

You: Then why did you
ask me to call you daddy?

T: To see if you would have
a cute reaction. I'm a bit
disappointed tbh.

You: Sorry, not sorry.

T: What's your name?

You: You don't know my name?

T: It wasn't written on the
paper. Your number is
saved as "Sexy chick"

You: Sexy chick?!

T: I changed it to
"Big breasted beauty"

You: You're a fucking

-changes name in phonebook-

Perv: It's a natural, healthy
reaction for a hot blooded
male like myself to react to
gorgeous girls like this.

You: How old are you?

Perv: My guess is I'm about
a year older than you maybe.
Call me Oppa.

You: You can fuck right off

Perv: You have a wonderful
way with words, princess

You: Don't call me princess

Perv: Baby girl?

You: Or that

Perv: Then tell me your

You: Fine. It's Y/N

Perv: Oh I like. Sexy name
for a sexy girl.

You: Yeah, I'm getting bored
of all the shallow compliments.

Perv: But you're still talking
to me ;)

You: You said you were
stressed. I thought maybe
I could help. Stress sucks.


You: I'm starting to think
it was a bad idea


You: Down boy?

Perv: I was thinking of
another type of stress relief
that involved me and you
with no clothes.
Got my jr a little riled up.

You: ....... Fucking pervert
why am I even still
talking to you?

Perv: Because I'm
interesting ;)
Anyway baby girl I gotta
go I have some work to do.
I will text you later I promise

;) :-*

You: You can talk. I won't

Perv: Whatever you say,
princess. We will see later,
won't we?


AN: It's not publishing how it's supposed to so I'm sorry if you had trouble reading it! I'm trying to fix it but nothing is working DX

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