Chapter 2

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"Ugh" I groaned throwing my head under the light blue covers of my double sized bed, as the sun shone through my windows piercing my eyes.

This year I got myself a single room. It’s not that bad considering Alegra is one room over, plus I get to have a double sized bed rather than the small singles which I don't know how I possibly managed to sleep in for three years.

I decided to get out of bed not to be late for class. I threw on a pair of skinny jeans, my black flats and a white t-shirt that says IDGAF in black print. My tangled hair went into a quick messy bun as I rushed over to the washrooms in the corridors to brush my teeth and apply some make up.

After my usual morning routine was over it was time for my second official day of school. According to my schedule I had French first thing in the morning.

"Hey, Alegra!" I called.

She turned around flashing me her usual morning smile. I don't understand how she’s always so happy in the mornings.

"What's up T?"

Alegra had several nicknames for on her never ending list such as, T, T-Bone, Tal, Tally, Lia, Lee, Lili, and so on. She would sometimes create one on the spot, or if she liked one enough she would use it several times until it got old for her, and she needed a new one. Similar to how someone uses a toothbrush. They’ll see it and then they’ll like it, leading them to buying it, and using it for a few months before throwing it out in search for another.

"What do you have first on your schedule?" I asked.

"Chemistry, what about you?"


"Oh, good luck with Madame Poulet! I hear she is the most annoying teacher on campus!" she said taking a sip from her coffee.

"Oh my god Alegra! Its Madame Poulin not Poulet! Poulet means chicken!" I laughed.

"There is a reason I dropped French after grade nine. I am not good with languages. I'm barely keeping up with English." She said.

"I can see that. Anyway I have to get a move on!" I said checking my watch, “I’m going to be late. French is on the other side of the world."

"Oh, okay. I guess I'll see you at lunch in that case." She replied, digging in her large purse for her cell phone which had just vibrated a second earlier.

"Okay! Let's meet at Asian Delight. I'm in the mood for noodles."

She nodded as she began talking to someone on the phone.

As I neared the doors of the french class, I hear the bell for first period ring. I casually walked in expecting half the class to be late as usual since it was first period.

"Miss...Brooks?" Madame Poulin questioned looking through her attendance sheet, for my name.

"Yes?" I replied.

"You are late. Not a good impression for your first day. I do not like unorganized students in my class."

"But the bell rang a second ago."

"Good to know your ears work. The point of the bell is to tell you if you are late. You came after the bell rung. You are late. Here is your detention slip. Now please take a seat. You have disturbed my class enough." She spoke handing me my slip. Her blonde hair was tied in a tight bun. Her glasses hung low on her nose, with a neck cord around her neck so she can hang the glasses on her neck.

I looked around for available seats in the class. There were two empty seats left in the back corner of the class room, right beside smelly Louis. Oh god. This was not going to be fun. Rumour had it that he only took a shower on the third day of every month. Weird.

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