Chapter 7

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“No way,” Alegra was laughing, “You did not, do the whole grab your arm, spin you around and plant a kiss thing, on Alex O’Conner!”

I nodded, feeling the blood rush to my cheeks.

“So… is Talex, a thing now?” she squealed, as I finished painting her nails.

“No, why would it be? It’s only been one date. You need to chill with the fangirling my friend.”

“How could I? My dream couple is finally together!” she laughed.

All of a sudden, the alarm Alegra had put on her phone, so we wouldn’t be late to class, went off.

“I guess I’ll have to walk you to your classes, because I worked hard on your nails, and you are not going to ruin them this quickly!” I said grabbing our books.

We rushed out of the building as fast as possible, due to the fact that our classes were on opposite sides of the campus. Our campus was big. It was a boarding school so it had everything that most people wanted, like movie theatres, restaurants, convenience stores, pools, and so on. After a good run, we got to her class. There were only a few people in the room. She directed me to her desk; I dropped her books, said a quick goodbye, and headed off to French.

“You are late again Miss Brooks.” Madame Poulin said, “You have three French classes a week, and last week you were late to two of them. If this continues I will have to let the principle know.”

“Sorry Madame.” I said and headed towards my seat.

I sat down and waited for her to begin the lesson.

“Bonjour classe, aujourd'hui, je vais rapidement vous parler de votre projet d'avenir, qui vous remettre à moi pour deux personnes à côté de vous mois.Le est votre partenaire.” (Hello class, today I will quickly talk to you about your future project, which you will hand in to me in two months. The person beside you is your partner.)

The person beside me was Blake. I may not have minded as much twenty four hours ago, but after his little fit in the gym yesterday, I definitely did not want to work with him.

“Vous allez créer un dépliant et une brochure, en français, discuter pourquoi cette école est une bonne école pour y assister. Ensuite, vous présenter devant la classe. Les rubriques du projet sont sur ​​mon bureau. Vous pouvez commencer à travailler sur elle.” (You will create a pamphlet and brochure, in French, discussing why this school is a good school to attend. Then you will present it in front of the class. I will give you rubrics for this project after class)

Most partners began discussing their projects, but Blake and I sat in silence for about ten minutes, which he ended up breaking.

“Are we going to discuss the project or not?”

I ignored him.

“I guess not.” He said, as he walked up to the front of the class to take a copy of the rubrics. Once he sat back down and reviewed the requirements he passed it to me to see. Then we silently sat there as the class came to an end. I grabbed my books and started to head out the door when Madame Poulin called both Blake and me to her desk.

“I have noticed that you two were not working together during class. Is there anything I should know?” She asked us.

“No Madame, we get along just fine.” I replied, causing Blake to chuckle.

“What?” I asked, annoyed.

“Nothing,” Blake replied rolling his eyes, “Madame Poulin you don’t need to worry about anything. We have been getting a long perfectly fine this last week.”

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