Chapter 5

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“Miss Brooks, don’t you have arrangements to play basketball with Blake Carter today?” Coach Bryant said as he saw me run onto the field.

“We’re playing soccer today, coach.” I smiled as I slid my shin guards on and tied my laces.

“He came by earlier and told me to tell you, that you are playing basketball today, so you have to go inside and play basketball today Brooks.” He replied.

“But coach, I…” I began.

“Talia, I know what you’re trying to do here, but you have to go inside and play basketball, not buts.” He said with his ‘and that’s final’ tone. I knew I shouldn’t complain as he would probably tell the principle about this little event, so I played it safe and agreed.

“Brooks, you’re late!” Blake shouted from across the court once I walked into the gym, “Run your laps and let’s go.”

I didn’t feel like arguing this time around, so I took off my shin guards, changed my shoes, and began my laps. Once I finished I ran up to Blake, who was showing off with his three pointers, and I waited for instructions.

“Brooks, haven’t you learned that I always get my way?” he laughed as he turned around after realising my presence in the room.

“Whatever Carter, let’s just get this over with.” I replied.

“Can you not be sassy and annoying for once?” He asked, “So, first I’ll be teaching you how to do a lay-up. Do you know what that is?”

“No idea.” I replied.

He began by giving me his step by step instructions on how to do a lay-up. I figured it out eventually, but it felt awkward. I probably wasn’t even close to as good as his. He did it without even thinking about. I thought about each step as I tried to throw the ball into the basket.

Practice went by smoothly. No attitude, no sass, no complaining, no arguing. We were actually getting a long for a little while.

“Boys, and Talia,” Coach Maradonna shouted causing some of the guys to laugh, “practice is over! I am sure I don’t need to remind you all that showers are necessary again.”

I started, to get ready to leave, so I could rush home and get ready for my date, when Blake grabbed my shoulder and spun me around.

“I told you, until nine, where are you going?” he spat.

“I have a date, and I’m not going to be late, okay?” I replied.

“Who on earth is desperate enough to go on a date with you?”

“Excuse me?” That was my last string today. He aggravated me too much, and I wasn’t about to stand around and take his crap.

“I just wanted to know who this guy was, that was desperate enough to go on a date with you.” He smirked.

“You just wanted to know? Who the hell do you think you are, asking me such a dumb ass question about my personal life? What are you, jealous or something?”

I didn’t want to be near him right now, so I grabbed my things and stormed out of the gym. After I showered and changed, Alegra began to work with my hair.

“I can tell something’s up. What happened this time?” she asked. How does she always know? I began to explain the situation at the gym.

“He said that?” she laughed, “Honey, my senses are telling me he’s starting to develop a liking for you.”

I couldn’t respond to that, so I laughed. All of a sudden there was a knock on the door. Alegra froze.

“Oh my spring rolls, he’s here and your hair isn’t done. Well, he is just going to have to wait.” She said.

She walked up to the door, and opened it.

“Um Talia, someone’s here to see you.” She said shocked.

“Who is it?”

“Blake,” she whispered.

I walked up to the door. Alegra went to my desk and started looking through stuff, giving us time to talk.

“Listen, Brooks, I was shooting around after you left and I finally came to my sen…” he began.

“Blake, you want me to be honest, I have nothing to tell you, and it would be best if you just left right now.” I interrupted. I didn’t want to hear what he had to say. He was rude and he wasn’t really in the position to be asking me a question like that.

“Could you just let me explain?” he begged.

“What are you going to say? You were out of line back there, and there shouldn’t be an explanation. If you really are jealous you should just get over yourself, because the guy I’m going out with today is nice, hot, caring, and amazing. He’s everything you aren’t.” And I slammed the door.

“Don’t worry; I would never be jealous of a guy who is going on a date with a bitch like you. In fact, I feel bad for the guy. You would be a waste of my time Talia Brooks. To be honest, I shouldn’t have even come here to apologise.” He said from the other side of the door.

“You really shouldn’t have.” I replied, and he left.

“Talia, he was trying to apologise!” Alegra said, “I know you were mad, but you could have let him finish.”

“I didn’t want to hear it, now can you please finish my hair.”


Hey hey heyyyy!!! Were they too harsh??? What do you think???





Adios :}

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