Tangled 18

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It was at this meeting that all hidden things were revealed. Dr. Edwards and my dad were best friends before Mr Richards joined them. He was jealous of their friendship and so he cooked up stories which were false and brought enmity between two best friends.
Our parents hated each other without any reason. It was there that I learnt that Shalewa was assigned to be my friend so as to be able to monitor me and becloud my sense of judgement as regards my feelings towards Lola. What a world!
   The pastor prayed for all of us  and asked that forgiveness should be released to those who have offended themselves.
  At the end,it was decided that we should continue our courtship.
James,Lola's friend and student also confessed of his feelings towards her. He was very remorseful and that day his life was remarkably changed;he accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and saviour. He has volunteered to be our best man,with Shalewa as the best lady.

Tolu and I were very successful in our career, we were given awards. Tolu now works in a big bank while I work as a company auditor.

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