Meeting the Others-Lily (Ch.1)

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A/N: Thank you so much for reading my prologue, peoples. You know who you are! Hopefully this chapter isn't a crappy one!

I suddenly become more awake to the chilly wind and soft green grass above me since the last time I was ... conscious.

Where am I? My mind demands to find out the answer. Surely I hadn't been kidnapped or anything, and even if I had, I'd use my phone to call my family. Dying to see what this place is, I shove some kind of stony object up to get out, but it's no use. I'm gonna stay in this underground thing, whatever it is, for some period of time. However, my patience soon wears off after a few minutes, and I grumble inside my head, Get me out of here! I need to get out!

Suddenly, my body answers my pathetic plea, and I find myself standing behind a rock. Too confused, I examine the huge squared rock in front of me. No wait, that's not a rock. It's a ... it's a headstone. And ... that headstone has my name on it. What the ...? I think. Is this some type of sick joke? But I notice that there are headstones in front of me, headstones behind me, headstones beside me, headstones everywhere. So if this is some kind of joke, the person with the idea must have spent a lot of hard work, which is very unlikely. I frown, sigh, and accept the fact that I am in a cemetery.

As I scan the graveyard, a silvery glow to my right catches my eyes, so I turn towards it and gasp. Standing behind another headstone is another girl. She's pretty-if I haven't noticed-with long black hair that is wound up in a loose bun with loose strands, pale skin, mysterious dark eyes that scan me up and down as I scan her, and a gorgeous black dress. She seems to be my age, too.

Speaking of pretty, I just found out that I am also wearing a fancy black dress. My short, curly strawberry strands hang at my shoulders, and as I look down at myself, I see that I also sport the silvery shimmer around my body.

The dark haired girl breaks the silence. "Where are we?"

"I don't know." I reply, chewing my lip both in frustration and worry.

"Perfect." She sighs. "I don't know what I'm doing here in this graveyard. I remember falling into a river and going unconscious, but someone must've saved me, or else I would be ... well ... dead. Then I woke in some underground thing, and-here's the weird part-willed myself to get out, and I found myself here. Someone's got to be playing some sick prank on us. If I find out who they are, I will pull their teeth out one by one and rip their head off. Literally. Also, I have a feeling that everything I see seems clearer now."

"Did you happen to think that we actually might be dead?" An unfamiliar masculine voice calls off behind us.

We both whip around to see an older boy with curly black hair, brown eyes, and dark skin. He's sporting a black suit and tie, and he has the same silver glow as me and the girl.

But before we can say, "What the heck?", another unfamiliar person asks, "What am I doing here?", and the boy, the girl, and I turn to our left and find ourselves face to face with another boy who has spiky blond hair, blue eyes, and a suit like the other one. He's probably as old as the boy with curly hair, but again, he's pretty tall. Like us three, a silvery color shrouds him.

We must have spent an entire ten minutes staring at each other when the black-haired girl says, "Okay, this is getting creepy. Can we like, just go home?"

"Good idea." I answer, picking up my long dark skirts and carefully maneuvering myself around the other headstones until I finally reached the huge black gate that opened towards the now empty dark streets.

Crossing roads and scampering across sidewalks, I reach the spot where a car hit me, and I shockingly survived. I wonder how that happened, I have to have been killed. Well, whatever. My family could explain once I get home.

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