Jaden woke up,he has no idea what happened,"guys,Trevor,Den,Kate?" Jaden got out of the SUV and looked back into the vehicle,they were gone.
"Maybe they went into the town." He said while he entered the forest,he finds a tree branch,"better than nothing I guess." He continued to search the forest to find his friends.
As he continued to search,he found a sign that said "Toluca lake" he looks in the water and found weird glowing lights in the lake,almost as if they were eyes watching him.
"Hmm....that's pretty cool." Says Jaden as the lights in the water was moving,he finds a road and follows it,he made it to the town Silent Hill,"it's pretty smaller than I imagined,ugh what is up with this fog...and why do I smell fire?" Every time Jaden sniffed or even took a breath,he would either smell something burning or choke on ashes.
He continues to search the town,almost every store or house he found was either abandoned or rusted looking,suddenly he heard running footsteps,they sounded like Kates sneakers,"Kate,where are you?" There was no response,but the footsteps were going into a mall,"for a small town this mall looks pretty big....what would Kate want in there?" Jaden enters the mall,he couldn't see anything,but he found a flashlight that seemed like it was in good condition.
Jaden hooked the flashlight to his belt and turned it on,he heard a girls voice,but it was different.
"Kate is that you?" There was nothing but silence,until the voice responded with,"no,my name is Carley,who are you?"
Jaden then said his name and the girl seemed to know who he was,"Arnt you that new kid who moved in about a few days ago?" Jaden was shocked in surprise that someone actually knew who he was.
"Oh it's you,why are you here?" Said Carley,"Oh so your saying that you can let everyone be here but not me,oh wait,your a cheerleader so you get everything special because your so "popular",one more thing,at least I don't act like a fuckin' slut to the football players every damn day."
Carley got so mad that she walked away in frustration,"I'm leaving you here!"
"Wait I Need To Ask Something!!!"
Jaden chased after Carley and grabbed her by the hair,"oh you fucking dick,what do you want!?" Screamed Carley,"have you seen a group,a few girls,few guys?"
"No." She said,they both looked around,Jaden found a wooden plank that had nails in it,but he didn't see the nails,"ow,this will definitely come in handy." They continued to search the mall for an exit.
Jaden and Carley had a sinking feeling that they were not alone.

Silent Hill:Shadows Of The Darkness
HorrorJaden Washington is a young teenage man who is diagnosed with ADHD and Asperger syndrome,has no friends,and lives with his mother,for his eighteenth birthday,Trevor takes Jaden and his group of friends to a town called silent hill,but as they almost...