Birthday arrangments

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After eight hours of school,Jadens first day of school has ended.
Jadens mom was waiting for him out in front of the high school,"hey Jaden,how was your first day,do you like it here?" Jadens mom said,"it was ok." Said Jaden as the shining light of the sun was shining on his dark brown hair,"make any new friends?" Marthas bright red hair was glistening in the sun,"yeah...and I think I made an enemy." Jadens mom began to drive back to cardinal street,"so who was that boy with the camo hoodie and trucker hat,your new friend?" "Yeah,his name is Trevor duding,he's a nice guy." The temperature dropped down to twenty one degrees,they finally made it back home,"Jaden I need to let you know something." Martha was not wanting to let Jaden know about what had happened to someone of great importance to her,"your grandfather passed away...he died from black lung."
"Oh.....ok." Jaden walked to his room,locked the door,and he tried to do his homework assignment.
A red truck pulled into Jadens driveway,it was Trevor and his dad,"hey Jaden,Trevor is here if you want to see him." Trevors dad went to the trunk of the car and got a soccer ball,football,and a baseball.
"Why don't you come out and talk to him?" "Ok." Jaden unlocked the door and went to the living room,"hey ok?" Trevor was really protective over Jaden and he wouldn't want him to be sad,"I'm fine." Jadens army green looking eyes were still watery,"hey,come out back for a second let's play some soccer." Trevor got all three of the sporting balls and they went out back.
" know I don't understand how to play sports,remember how den was trying to show me over and over,hell I don't even think he likes me for not knowing what a dirt bike,motorcycle,or even a skateboard is." He said,"don't take it seriously,he's just trying to get to know ya....that's why I'm gonna show you."
Trevor got the soccer ball and placed it on the grass,"alright so what you wanna do is kick it,following me on that,ok I'm gonna kick it to you and when it comes to you,kick it back." Trevor kicked the ball towards Jaden,Jaden looks at it for a few seconds,then he kicks it back,it then repeats over and over,Martha was watching the boys playing,she's happy for Jaden,he has someone to help him understand.
They soon go for the baseball and they throw it back and forth,"so Jaden,your birthday is coming up soon right,Halloween is it on?" He said,"yeah October thirty first,why?" They continued to throw the baseball back and forth,"you know where I think we should go on your birthday?" They stopped and took a break,"where?" Jaden sat down drinking some water,"I think we should go to Silent Hill,ever heard of that place?" Trevor knew a lot about that town,so did Jaden but not a whole lot.
"I know that it's abandoned." "Yeah that's the one,wanna go there for your birthday,I'll bring some of the guys from the group so it won't just be us."
Martha told Jaden he can go by nodding her head,"ok sure,what could go wrong?" Trevor and his dad both drove off to their house,the moon was glistening through Jadens window.
He then closed his eyes and got ready for his birthday tomorrow,to explore Silent Hill.

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