Spikers(first monster)-Jadens hatred
Blind spikers(unseen)-Jadens hatred to the world
Corruption(albino monster)-Jadens fear of death
Relatives(monster with a bunch of hands and familiar heads)-Jadens dead grandfather,3 uncles,cousin,father
Hangers(subway monster)-Jadens want for suicide
Reptile vision(glowing eyes)-Jadens anxiety
Silent Hill Jaden-his true isolation
Rocker(unseen PS:told you these names were stupid)-his true anger
Riper(unseen)-Jadens grief
Metal man(real name:the guardian)-his protectors,friends/mother/mr.woods
Wolfer(dog Jaden seen in the mall PPS:still a stupid name)-dead dog Jaden had
Sticker(rat seen by Jaden)-dead rat
High heels(weird monsters that looked like Jadens friends)-Jadens sexuality and maturity
Denmarks(weird monsters that looked like Jadens friends)-his "dead" friends

Silent Hill:Shadows Of The Darkness
HorrorJaden Washington is a young teenage man who is diagnosed with ADHD and Asperger syndrome,has no friends,and lives with his mother,for his eighteenth birthday,Trevor takes Jaden and his group of friends to a town called silent hill,but as they almost...