Jaden entered the mall,he could hear crying and screaming and yelling,all of them sounded like his friends,one creature came out and it looked like Debra,it came towards Jaden and it tackled him,Jaden got the box cutter and stabbed her,then out of nowhere he could hear a dog.
"IM LOOSING MY MIND!!" Jaden started to run away from anything now,Jaden found another gun and he started to shoot all of the monsters surrounding him,two monsters looked like a rat and a dog.
Suddenly Jaden could hear a scream that sounded an awful lot like Kate,He quickly ran to the source.
He found her hanging by her arms,her glasses where gone,but she could tell Jaden was there,she then spoke to Jaden,"JADEN RUN ITS A TRAP!!!" She then started to cry,she wouldn't want her friend to die trying to save her.
The metal man came out with a sharp spear,Jaden then began to grab his sub-Machine gun,"STOP LEAVE HER ALONE,JUST LEAVE US ALL THE FUCK ALONE PLEASE!!!" Jaden then saw the metal figure go behind Kate,Kate let out a scream,Jaden yelled as well.
The metal man then got his spear ready to strike,"NOOOOOO!!!!!!" The metal man killed Kate,Jaden got on his knees and began to understand the truth.
"I don't understand why your doing this to me,they were my friends,they wouldn't hurt anyone,but I know why your here now,you showed me the truth,now I'm gonna finish this,I WONT LET MY FRIENDS REST WITH A MONSTER THAT KILLED INNOCENT FRIENDS!!!!" Jaden then got everything ready to end the metal man,Jaden got his shotgun and pulled the trigger,he could hurt him,Jaden got his axe and attacked the monster,it hurt him,Jaden got the sub-machine gun and pulled the trigger hurting the monster greatly,Jaden finally killed the metal man,"now you won't be killing anymore of my friends." Jaden then got out of the town and found Michael still bleeding out,"you just wait until I get up and kill you." Michael said dying,Jaden got his box cutter and pulled out the sharp point,"you should have never messed with me or my mom." Jaden said while putting the blade right up to Michaels neck,"you wouldn't do it!" Michael said taunting Jaden,"you wanna see me do it." He said while slowly moving the sharpest point of the blade on Michaels neck.
Jaden slowly cut open Michaels neck,"STOP IT PLEASE IM SORRY!!" Michael said while he was slowly suffering a painful death,"SORRY IS NOT GONNA BRING MY DEAD MOTHER BACK YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!!!" Jaden said,this time he moved the blade faster and fiercer,Jaden has now finally killed Michael,"I need to get out of here." Jaden made it back to the entrance where he got in the wreck.
Suddenly a monster charged at Jaden and rammed into his arm breaking the bones,"AHHHHHH!!!!" Jaden yelled out in pain,the monster spoke in a familiar voice that sounded like Carleys voice,"time to die Washington!" Carley said,"do it.....I don't care anymore if I live or die....well what are you waiting for....KILL ME!!!" Carley slowly began to walk towards Jaden,he quickly looked around for a gun,he found a handgun but it would be difficult for him to reload with only one arm.
"Bring it on bitch." Said Jaden getting ready to pull the trigger,Jaden pulled the trigger thirteen times and it knocked her down.
"Wait until the school hears about what you've done,you'll get kicked out!" Carley said bleeding out,"why would I get kicked out if it was in self defense,and at the same time you would be suspended for breaking an arm." Jaden said walking away.
As he almost got to the car he could hear a gigantic roar coming from Toluca lake,Jaden then walked over back into the forest and looked in Toluca lake,the glowing eyes were back,they were looking right at him.
"Uhm.....ok?" He said as the glowing eyes were beginning to rise out of the water,"oh.......my.........god."

Silent Hill:Shadows Of The Darkness
HorrorJaden Washington is a young teenage man who is diagnosed with ADHD and Asperger syndrome,has no friends,and lives with his mother,for his eighteenth birthday,Trevor takes Jaden and his group of friends to a town called silent hill,but as they almost...