The Wife

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A/N: Its gonna be Zosan for a little while. I didn't like how the Lawsan story was turning out so I decided to upload this instead. I also had some help with the French part by Ninjatome. They helped me out allot and I hope I have everything right. So I hope you enjoy guys!

Being the next in line for the throne was difficult. There was order's, alliances, marriages, money, and the people of the kingdom. They were pleased about the future king to be. Happily to welcome him as their new king. Others. Not so much.

A man tumbled out of a window. With another shouting at him through the broken window. The blonde held five loaves of bread before bolting down the cobblestone path to the town's square. He stopped to a little girl on the street and handed her one before darting off again. Then stopped to a small family handing them two before hiding in an ally. He glanced around putting the bread in a barrel before shutting it closed. When he turned around two guards stood at the exit. The blonde furrowed and backed up before the red haired man batted him in the head with his weapon.

The prince sat on his throne, cloth of gold, silver, and bronze was tossed over the chair fanning out on the ground. he wore an open long v neck coat in dark pants. Both embroidered with a gold thread. A thin bronze crown sat upon his head. The family crest sat upon his chest along with a few rings on his fingers. His hair was a fresh and wild green color, and he bared dark onyx eyes. He exposed his battle scars as much as he possibly could. This was prince Zoro. Many, many women had fallen in over with him. But upturned his nose to each pretty face that had walked into the palace. His father's liquid gold eyes glanced to his son before he raised a hand. The women bowed before leaving with shattered hope that the prince would of chosen them. The king sighed resting back against his chair. He was dressed in robes of furs and a white embroidered coat with dark pants. He was also littered in jewelry and a large crown sat upon his head. He turned to his son running a hand through his dark hair. This was King Mihawk. A hand was placed onto his earning the dark haired man's attention. His wife Shanks sat beside him. A silver crown sat upon his head as he kissed Mihawk's knuckle and left to give them some time alone.

"Why must you be stubborn? Your sister was happy married, along with your brother. Why is it you who still sits beside me?" He grumbled.

Zoro clicked his tongue, "I can run this kingdom fine, with or without someone by my side."

The king smacked him upside the head, "Watch your tongue."

The prince rolled his eyes and got up. He headed out of the room leaving his father to sigh. The day was somewhat normal, Mihawk and Zoro trained in the fencing room. Where Zoro always seemed to lose to Mihawk but the battle seemed to never end. Until the door was knocked on and turned to the maid walking into the room. Her long orange hair was tied up in a bun with a short skimpy maid outfit fit her frame. Nami was the head maid in the castle. Also very bossy.She held a tray with lemonade in a pitcher and two glasses.

"Your highness should take a break." She said.

The two nodded as Nami put the tray on the small table by the door. Zoro and Mihawk put away their swords and headed over to the table. They poured their drinks and sat at the table. Zoro gulped down his drink before getting a second glass. Mihawk looked up to him and cleared his throat. Here it comes.

"Im not getting any younger. I need to know that the kingdom will be safe in your care." Mihawk explained.

Zoro sighed, "Will you leave me alone about that?"

"Not until you have a bride. I'm not getting any younger and neither are you. So by the end of this month you better have-"


"Don't you use that tone with me."

The doors swung open as Ace opened the door. Zoro and Mihawk sent a threatening glare to Ace who straightened and cleared his throat.

"Your highness, he's back." Ace said.

"Oh?" Mihawk asked.

The two of them got up and headed into the throne room. Where they took their place along with Shanks. The doors swung open as they turned to a blonde in rags and spitting in an unfamiliar tongue. He struggled in the grip of the guards as he was pushed onto the floor of the castle. The king and young prince cocked a brow to the blonde. Kidd one of the guards pressed a foot to his back keeping him onto the floor.

"Your highness, this man has been stealing food, clothes, and other items from the town's square." Killer said, "We believe he's been the same man who's been stealing for the past three years."

Kidd took his foot off him and grabbed onto his blonde hair. He yanked him to look up to the royal family when Zoro's eye caught his blue eyed gaze. They held anger and terror. Blood dripped from the gash across his forehead and down his lip. The blonde spoke in an angered tongue that no one understood.

"Lâchez-moi bande d'enfoirés ! Je vais vous botter le cul ! Putain je déteste ce pays et son prince à la con !" (Let me go you fuckers! I'm going to kick your asses! I hate this fucking country and its mother fucking prince!)

He snapped looking to Kidd. Anger and rage were in his eye.

"Dès que je serais libre je commence par toi. J'te botterais le cul si fort que tes petits enfants ne pourront pas s'asseoir!" (As soon as I'm free I'm starting with you. I'm going to kick your ass so hard that your grandchildren won't be able to sit!)

Mihawk raised a hand.

"Get a doctor to treat his wounds."

Within a few moments the doors opened once more. Law, their doctor stepped through. The blonde watched him walk in then started spitting harsher words to Law roll his eyes at.

"Détends-toi. Nous ne te ferons aucun mal." Law barked. (Relax. We're not going to harm you)

The blonde shut up. They watched as Law spoke to the blonde in the foreign tongue. As he bandaged his wound on his forehead. Zoro stood he approached the blonde and took a knee. The blonde frowned to him backing up slightly. Zoro took his chin and tilted him up to eye level. Then he turned to Mihawk. Who earned his attention then turned back to the blonde.

"I choose him. Clean him up and put him in my quarters." Zoro spoke.

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