And They Lived Happily Ever After

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A/N: It wasn't requested on here. But someone commented on AO3 for the ending. So. Here you guys go.

Sanji glanced around clutching close to a bag before leaving the castle. He jumped up onto his own horse before snapping the reins of his horse. Sanji pulled on the hood of his cloak before entering town. He snapped the reins to the horse as they bolted into the forest. Sanji then slowed the horse down as he hopped down from the horse. He pulled off his hood and opened the bag. He knelt down before a tree pulling out a muffin.

"It's okay. Come on out." He said.

Zoro pushed the doors open of the kitchen. He furrowed not seeing Sanji working in the kitchen. Zeff turned to him before stepping up to Zoro and bowing softly. He rose folding his arms behind his back.

"Where is Sanji?" Zoro asked.

"He's not here?" Zeff asked.

"We have the coronation in an hour. I figured he would be here."

Zeff shook his head, "No, Sanji probably went riding like he always does. It's good to bond with a new horse. Sanji will be back in time."

Zoro sighed, "That is true. Once he returns, let him know I am looking for him."

He nodded as Zoro left, Sanji stepped out from the back room pulling back his hood. Zeff turned to him with a cocked brow and crossed his arms.

"You gonna tell him or will he have to find out the hard way?" Zeff said.

"I will. Just. Not yet." Sanji said.

Sanji then left heading into the dining room. Zoro sat at the end of the table cleaning his blade. He perked up to Sanji who froze in the doorway. He stood and approached Sanji, grabbing his wrist and pulling him into his chest.

"Where were you?" Zoro asked.

"I- I was out." Sanji said.

"You know our coronation is today. We have to be dressed and ready before then."

"I know I know, I'm sorry. Won't happen again." Sanji said.

Zoro sighed embracing Sanji, who embraced him back. He pulled back tilting up Sanji's chin and kissed him softly. Once he pulled back his thumb ran across his bottom lip and smiled.

"I'm just glad you came home okay." Zoro said.

"Your highness, we need to prepare for the coordination."


Zoro and Sanji were taken into separate rooms and changed into there new royal attire. Sanji was put into a red dress that fit his figure nicely and there was a slit up the leg. With gold embroidery on the chest and had a matching choker. He was put into black heels while his tiara was placed on his head. Zoro was put into a black uniform with the royal jewels hung around his neck along with his crown. He then was escorted downstairs and waited at the bottom of the stairs. Mihawk and Shanks stood with him. Until Sanji tapped down the stairs and took Zoro's arm. Who turned to Sanji and his eye widened while his jaw dropped.

Sanji giggled closing his mouth and kissing him softly. Zoro purred as his hand found it's way to Sanji's hips. Before his hand slipped lower and squeezed his toosh. Sanji gasped and smacked him on the chest earning his parents attention. Zoro chuckled before kissing his cheeks and down his neck.

"Zoro. Knock it off. You can have your. Time when we are gone." Mihawk said.

"Sorry pops, I couldn't handle myself." Zoro purred.

Shanks nudged Mihawk pouting slightly. Who rolled his eyes and they headed out to the carriages outside. Mihawk helped Shanks up before helping up Sanji. Who sat across from each other as Zoro and Mihawk sat beside them. They were pulled into town as they waved to the people of the kingdom before getting to the chapel. The royals stepped inside.

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