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Sanji woke up the following morning to warmth. It enveloped him and was so cozy. He hummed fluttering open his eyes to the green haired prince embracing him. He furrowed batting away the prince's arms. Who rolled over onto his back and scratched his chest. Sanji rolled his eyes climbing out of bed and found some clothes folded up on the dresser. He went over to them finding some royal clothes and a set of shoes. He glanced to Zoro before to the set of clothes. He quickly changed out of his night clothes before the clothes. Once he got his shoes on he went to the window unlocking it and climbing out.

He perched himself between two windows before he noticed a guard on a horse. The blonde hopped down knocking the guard off his horse and then taking the horse and riding off. He snapped the reins to the horse who neighed then bolted off. Sanji looked back finding guards watch him go off then headed through the castle gate. Where he headed into the town. Mihawk watched from the window stirring his tea. Shanks soon took his side taking his arm.

"What are we going to do?" Shanks asked.

"We won't do anything. This is Zoro's problem."

Sanji rode into the town having people look at him like he too was a prince. He hopped off the horse and headed into an ally. Where an older man lied pressed up against the wall. His leg missing, and he was tearing into the bread Sanji left yesterday. He sighed in relief going over to him and knelt down before him. The older man furrowed and looked up to Sanji.

"Wha-what happened to you?" He asked.

"We have to get out of here. The prince is looking for me and-"

"Sanji. What, did you do?"

Zoro grumbled sitting up as Robin walked into the room. She came in with a tray of food and a smile on her lips. Zoro looked over to see his bedside was missing Sanji. He turned back to Robin who was going through his closet.

"Where's Sanji?" Zoro asked.

"Sanji?" She asked.

"My bride?"

"Oh, he escaped this morning and headed into town."


Zoro grabbed some random clothes and shoes before taking down the castle stairs. His cape swayed and shifted with each turn he made. He pushed open the front doors as guards scrambled up to him.

"Find Sanji!" He barked, "Bring me my horse."

A white horse trotted up to him, Zoro took the reins before jumping up on the horse. He pulled on the reins turning the horse to the gates then bucked his heels. Then the horse bolted off to the town. Where many people gasped and stood out of the way of the prince. He furrowed to the town glancing around. He spotted Sanji who was getting on the horse with an older man. He growled as Sanji glared to him before dashing off to the forest. Zoro followed after. Before Sanji could get far Zoro took the reins to his horse and stopped him.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Zoro barked.

"What does it look like? I'm leaving!" Sanji hissed.

"You're my bride you can't leave. We will marry in less than a month."

"I never agreed to be your wife in the first place!"

"Sanji. You've been chosen to be the prince's bride?"

He turned to the older man, "Stay out of this."

"Take him. Take my son, treat him as the gentlemen and true prince he is."

"Shut up!"

"Your highness, you have to take my son. He's helped the sick, give to the poor, and fed the hungry. With him as your bride you will bring this kingdom back up on it's feet."

"I will." Zoro said, "I'd like to bring you to my castle as well. If you are my bride's father, it is only right you are treated well as well."

The guards trotted in surrounding Sanji and his father. Zoro raised a hand as Sanji glanced around to the many guards surrounding him. Zoro pulled Sanji onto his horse while another guard had taken his father. They went back into the kingdom where people had gathered around the forest.

"I'm going to be married to this man in less than enough. Praise your future queen." Zoro said.

A few people cheered while the others gave dirty glares and muttered curses. Zoro and his royal guard had went back to the castle. Where Sanji was heavily guarded in the dining hall. He glared to Zoro before slamming his hands down on the table.

"I never asked for this! First everyone hate's me because I would do the right thing while you chase chamber maids around! Then you tell them to praise me for being your wife!" Sanji barked, "I want nothing to do with you! I hate you!"

Zoro glared up at him, "You could've gotten yourself killed! You know how many assassins are out there trying to kill us. I risked my neck out to save your life and this is my treatment?"

"I'd rather die than be with you!"

He pushed away from the table and then stormed off. With a guard following behind him. Zoro sighed. He rested on his palm.

"What am I doing wrong?" He muttered.

Robin stepped into the room holding a bottle of Zoro's favorite Sake.

"Your highness. Might I suggest, doing something for him. You did change his life, let him warm up to you."

He turned to her, "How so?"

"Well, his father used to be a cook for a restaurant before it was run out of business. Sanji was a cook beside him but. They were kicked out and lived in the streets."

Zoro hummed, then motioned Robin closer. She leaned over to him as he whispered in her ear. She giggled pulling back and nodded.

"I will see to it, your highness."

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