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The blonde gritted his teeth before spitting at him, "Jamais je ne t'épouserais espèce d'enfoiré." (I will never marry you, you fucker)

Before he was taken away. Zoro stood and wiped away the spit with his thumb. He turned to his father with furrowed brows staring his golden eyes to his son. He sighed rubbing his temples before resting in the palm of his hand.

"You could've picked anyone. But you choose a peasant, someone we can't understand."

"I could of picked anyone. But I chose him to be my bride. The wedding will take place this day a month from now." Zoro said.

And with that he had left with his cape fluttering behind him. Mihawk raised his hand having a man walk over to him.

"My son has set his mind on this. Start preparations for the wedding. We have a month." Mihawk said.

Zoro walked down the halls before going up the stairs. His boots tapped up the cobblestone staircase where he came to a room where there was loud thumping and smashing. Then foreign insults. Killer and Kidd unlocked the door as Zoro headed inside. The blonde stood holding a vase about to smash it on the floor. As the door shut the blonde threw it at his head which Zoro dodged. The blonde then approached him spitting and cursing then prodded his chest with insults Zoro couldn't understand. He grabbed the collar of the peasant boy's clothes and pulled him into a kiss. Which he struggled through before Zoro pulled back and put a finger on his lips.

"I don't understand what you're saying." Zoro said.

The blonde grumbled batting Zoro's hand away before sitting on the bed, he crossed his arms avoiding eye contact with Zoro. He smirked seeing the blonde's ears tipped with a hot red.

"Did you like me kissing you?" Zoro asked.

The blonde snapped over to him, "I would never!"

They both were in shock as the blonde turned away crossing his arms. Zoro sat next to him with a shit eating grin.

"Oh, so you can speak English?" He asked.

But his lips were sealed, his eyes never meeting the dark eyes.

"Well do I at least get to know your name?" Zoro asked.

Those blue eyes flicked to him before back staring straight ahead. Zoro sighed resting back on his hands.

"A month from today, you will be my wife. So you better start talking." Zoro said.

The blonde turned to him, "I didn't agree to be your wife. Nor will I ever!"

Zoro smirked tilting his head over to him, "Well, you liked it when I kissed you."

The door was knocked on as they turned to a maid, midnight dark hair and dazzling sapphire eyes. She smiled as Sanji smiled back to her. He approached her taking her hand and kissed her knuckle. She smiled softly looking to Zoro who pursed his lips.

"It's time for the royal bath." She said.

Zoro and the blonde headed into a room where there was a large bath with flower petals and steamy water. The maid shut the door locking the two inside. Zoro started to strip and head into the tub while the blonde stood awkwardly off to the side. He cocked a brow to him and snapped and pointed to the tub. But the blonde only frowned and backed up more.

"Get in the tub before I strip you myself and drag you in here." Zoro barked.

The blonde spun his finger indicating Zoro to turn around. He sighed turning around as the blonde stripped and sat in the far side of the tub. Zoro turned as he felt the presence in his tub. The blonde sat with his knees pulled up to his chest and glaring at Zoro. He sighed resting back against the tub. His onyx eyes narrowed to the cut on his forehead.

"Who did that to you?" Zoro asked.

But he just turned his nose the other way. Avoiding eye contact with the young prince. Zoro clicked his tongue folding his arms around the back of the tub watching the blonde.

"At least tell me your name." Zoro said.

The blonde turned to him with the same hard look before looking away again.

"Fine, I'll call you twirly brows."

He splashed water at Zoro earning a chuckle from the prince.

"Alright, fine. What about ero brow."

The blonde rolled his eyes.


The blonde gasped covering his lower region with a hue of blush on his cheeks. Zoro smirked as he started to inch closer to the blonde.

"I couldn't help and take a little peak. After all, if you're going to be my wife and all. I should see all of you." Zoro said.

His pale skin started to deepen into a dark blush. Zoro wrapped his arm behind the blonde and inched close to his face. Zoro tilted his face closer to him and smirked. The blonde pursed his lips with a beat red face from embarrassment. Zoro pulled him into another kiss. The blonde soon turned away moments later. Zoro frowned to that. Before he sighed pulling the blonde to his side. The blonde was stiff as Zoro held him close. His blue eyes wandered his olive skin, looking to the scars on his body.

"I won't let anyone hurt you, again." Zoro said.

The blonde relaxed slightly, he dipped his head down looking to the flowers and the water. Once the bath was complete Zoro and the blonde headed down back to Zoro's room. Where the vases were cleaned up and replaced. The blonde watched as Zoro curled up in his large bed then patted the other side. He shifted before approaching the bed. He sank into the plush bedding before smiling softly. Zoro propped himself up on his elbow and watched the blonde bounce slightly before falling back on the bed. He looked up to Zoro and frowned before curling up farthest away from Zoro.

"Well, today is the start of the rest of your life. My queen." Zoro purred.

He blew out the candle by his bedside. The blonde looked over his shoulder to Zoro.

"Sanji." He spoke.

Zoro turned back to him, "What?"

"My name. Is Sanji."

Then he curled up on the bed curling up in a ball and clutching the blanket.

"Goodnight, Sanji." Zoro whispered.

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