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 *~* dedicated to @xxInspirationalxx for featuring RUMORS in her book reviews! Check her out!*~*

On my way home, my phone buzzes in the cup holder and I check it at a red light, in hopes that it was Harry. 

'Sweetie can you stop by the hardware store to pick up the paint cans for the house. I'll send you a list of the paint colors and how many of each to get. Don't forget to choose whatever color you want too. Thanks love you.' 

I sigh in slight disappointment. Don't get me wrong, I love my mom, but where the hell is Harry? If he doesn't call by tonight, I will send out a missing person report and I really don't give a damn if he'll get mad. I reply to my mom after she sends a picture of her list, telling her I'll head there now. 

I spend close to an hour in the store trying to find the exact paint my mom had on her list, and I'm still not finished. I picked the colors for my room first, going for a deep maroon. I must have looked so out of place in the hardware store. Just a teenage girl with a cart full of paint buckets in a store that is mainly male dominated. 

"What the hell is Olive Sprig?" I whisper to myself while searching the shelves for the dark greenish color. 

I hear a light chuckle from behind me and I turn to see a blonde haired cutie leaning back against the shelf, watching me struggle for my quest on paints. 

"Uh.... Can I help you?" I ask. 

The boy laughs again and folds his arms across his chest, "No, no. I think the question is, can I help you?" His voice was deep and slow. He had a Nirvana t shirt on and his black skinny jeans were ripped over his right knee. His  vans were scuffed up and over used but his blue eyes and dirty blonde quiff made up for everything. He couldn't have been any older than I, but he towered over me in height, taller than Harry for sure. The boy walks over to me and takes a look at the list on my phone. 

"Olive sprig? Shouldn't you be in the green section for that?" he walks two shelves over and gestures toward the section with the "Green" sign hanging above it. He kneels down to where the darker shades are and comes back up with a can of paint in his hand. "Found it!" 

"Really!" I gasp in excitement since that was the last color I needed to find, "Thank you so much! Do you work here?"

"Nah...I just thought you were cute." he openly confesses.

I set the paint down in my cart and awkwardly whisper, "Oh...Well thanks! I best be going-"

"Wait! Don't I get any kind of reward for helping? You would've been here another thirty minutes without me." he winks and smirks my way. Is this how girls feel when Harry flirts his way into their hearts? This boy kind of reminded me of Harry, at least on the flirtatious scale. 

"You get the feelings of honor and joy for successfully helping a stranger out today! Congrats kind sir. But I'll be on my way now." I push my cart ahead of me, trying to avoid eye contact, but the boy once again jumps in front of my cart and stops me. 

"I'm Luke." he sticks his hand out with full confidence.

"You're persistent" I laugh. 

"And you're cute."

My face blushes red and I finally give in to his antics, "No, I'm Madelyn." I smile.

"Ahh. So she has a name. But does she have a number?" He asks, obviously pushing his limit. I hesitate for a bit, trying to think of some witty comeback, but get caught when I look into his eyes. They were so blue; they were like pools that were untouched by man-kind. I became speechless. 

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