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(dedicated to @Crystal13Styles for being so awesome and patient and sticking to my stories <3 love you girlie and thanks for the support!) 

"Harry can we order Chinese food?" I ask, dangling myself upside down from his bed. Harry was sitting on the floor at the foot of his mattress, facing the tv, and my hair cascaded down right beside him until our heads were right next to each other. 

"We just had dinner though. And I'm not finished talking about today." Harry was in the middle of retelling his day when I interrupted him. He claims he played hookie with Louis and just ditched school after dropping the money off. His story was well too thought out to actually be true, and I knew he was bullshitting me right away when he gave me the exact times that they "left" George's meeting place. The other day, Niall told me Harry leaves school every day after lunch, so ditching shouldn't be so fun to him if he does it every day. I know there is something else he is hiding from me, but if he doesn't want to tell me, then fine, I won't push it. Once I picked up that Harry wasn't giving me the full truth, I got tired of it and focused my full attention on texting Luke. 

Harry sighs and joins me to sit on the bed, "Not like you're actually paying attention anyway. Who is texting you at this ungodly hour?! It's way past midnight." 

I roll around to lay flat on my stomach, and face him right side up, "It's none of your business. Now about that Chinese food?" I remind him, tapping away on my dimly lit iphone. Next thing I know, the phone disappears from my grasp, and Harry is on the other side of the room with one of his hands sticking out. 

"Who is Luke with two hearts and a smiling face?" Harry teases, scrolling through the messages. My face burns red in a mixture of anger and embarrassment. If only he read the actual messages, he'd have more of a reason to make fun of me. 

"Give me it Harry! Do not read the messages!" I say trying to jump for the phone. He raises his hand containing the phone to an unreachable height and I'm practically climbing him to get to it. "I swear Harry if you don't-" 

"Awww you're so sweet Luke. When can I see you again?" Harry says in a high pitched voice. He starts to make kissy noises when I try shoving him. I bounce back off of his rock hard body, and he just emits that loud, room filling laugh. I try again to slap him on his arms and chest but he barely even flinches. "Maddy you're like a little kitten. You can't fight me." He laughs and hands me back my phone after watching me jump for it a few times. 

I kick him in the shin angrily and stomp back over to his bed, making sure to make my point. I keep my arms crossed and my glare mean as he double over in pain while grabbing his leg. Harry groans while attempting to stand back up. I had a minor feeling of guilt for kicking Harry, but it doesn't erase the fact that he was teasing me, just like how he always does.

"You didn't tell me you had a boyfriend." It comes off as a curious question more than a statement. If I wasn't mistaken, Harry might have even looked a little sad. Or maybe it was just from the kick to the shin. Yeah. That was probably it. 

"He's not my boyfriend. We just met." I inform him and his features soften a bit. 

"Oh.." is all he says, and the room is filled with an awkward silence. I yawn and check the time to put us out of the silent misery and Harry glances at his phone too, "Are you sleeping in here tonight or in Gemma's room. She went back to her college this morning and she dorms there so her room is open." 

I look around Harry's room, knowing the queen sized bed would fit us fine. Harry and I were so used to sleeping in the same room, occasionally the same bed, especially when we were little. Well, actually, Harry, Gemma, and I all used to fit into one bed when we'd go on vacations, but when Harry started growing, our party of three got cut to party of two and we'd just take turns alternating between the bed and floor. It wasn't one of those weird things because we grew up constantly together.

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