chapter 5

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I HATE GUYS, they are fucked up assholes who have no respect for women and treat them like a toy or a piece of shit they can play/toy around with .... but thats not how its suppose to be

i cried writing this because its breaking my heart into two pieces


I woke up trapped in my mates big strong arms. It was such a great feeling i turned to face him and his face looked so relaxed i just wanted to sit there and watch him sleep, and i would have if i didn't have to pee.

You know that feeling you get when you have to pee really bad like wet your pants bad ,well that's what i was feeling.

So i tried to push my self away from him but that didnt work it only had him hold me tighter, great ( note the sarcasm)

Then a plan formed into my head .

I put my lips to his ear and breathed a heavy warm breath in his ear then spoke softly "baby i need you to get up please for me " he just shuttered ok time for plan B

I softly put my lips to his jaw line and kissed along it which caused his eyes to flash open and release me for a brief moment, i took that moment to bolt to the bath room.

"your a tease " i hear Will say from the bed. after i finish my business I walk out of the room and go back under the covers where will pulls me closer to his chest and. kisses my neck ,getting pay back , but they were so heavenly i closed my eyes and zoned out.

When they fluttered open i saw that it was 10:38 in the morning and i have to go home an see my family.

I turn to face Will "we have to get up" i say looking into his eyes, he groaned"why "

"because we have have to go and see my parents and i have to go home" i smiled sadly because to be honest i wanted to stay here with him but i knew that was not going to happen any time soon.

"we can go so i can meet your parents and you can get your stuff to live with me " he said icily. As much as i loved the idea of staying here with him im not going down that easily

"who do you think you are telling me that im moving in here" i practicly screamed at him , that just got him angry.

" I am your mate and the alpha you will show me some respect " he roared. I was not going to take this shit from him even if we are mates , so i did what any feminist would do i flipped him the middle finger.

that only made him angrier so i ran away out of the room. I ran to the car to wait for him.

When he got to the car an hour later he was dressed in kakis an a polo while i was in short shorts and a oversized tee.

We rode to my house in silence except for me giving him directions.

When we got there i ran in to the house and hugged my dad.

"oh daddy i missed you so much " i said squeezing him tightly.

"i missed you to princess, now go give your mother a hug" he said whisper ing the last part. so i ran over and hugged my mom.

"mommy i missed you " i say with my head resting on her chest. i felt a tear drip from my eye because i was going to miss them so much but i quickly covered it up.

Then i saw my brother an gave him a bear hug tracking him to the floor. but it didn't last long because a large growl erupted from behind me


QOTD: what makes you sad

sorry the update took so long ily





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