chapter 6

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"oh shut up Will he's just my brother Josh" i hollered, and he growled again because i disrespected him .

"so where is Cade ?" i asked Josh

"right here" his voice bellows as im swooped into the air and spun into a circle . when cade puts me dowm i hug him.

"i missed you squirt" he says , after he says that Will rips me out of Cade's arms and keeps me close to him. God clingy much.

I push him away and see a flash of hurt appear in his eyes then he quickly covers it up, making his eyes become life less and sad.

I couldn't help it mt body just hugged him it was like a strong magnetic pull that wouldn't let me go.

"Josh ,Cade this is Will , Will this is josh an Cade , be nice while i go find dad"

I walked up the stairs and into my dads office to see my mom and Collin , and my dad and Caroline talking.

"DADDY" i yell running up to him giving him a gigantic hug .

"princess i misses you so much"

" i missed you to daddy" i say as i let go of him and go hug my mom,

"mommy i missed you"

"i missed you too baby "

after we finished hugging i gave quick hugs to Collin and Caroline.

"Abbie we need to talk about this so sit down"

"umm sure i guess what about ?"

" you and your mate"  Collin states.

"no disrespect sir , but the shouldnt he be in here too not just me " i say because if im going down because of Will he sure as hell is coming with me.

"um well i suppose " Collin says while my dad get this look of disappointment while my mom looks... proud.

"good ill go get him " i say as i hear something shatter from down stair.

So i do what any sain person would do. run down the stairs like a crazy person.

When i get down there i see Will and josh staring at each other ready to kill, because if looks could kill they would both have dropped dead by now.

"WILL WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON DOWN HERE " i yell. I know that he is really angry right now so i walk over next to him but i don't look at him i keep my back to him so he knows im still mad. So he doesn't even make a sound.

"And you " i say pointing at josh  "what the hell are you doing , I cant leave for 2 minuets with out you two giant dip wadds fighting" 

no one said a thing , i look to see the adults smirking,


"well ... um, Will and Josh started to argue about where you would be living" Cade murmured but we could hear because we have werewolf hearing.

"wait your telling me the both of you were aruging about where I was living " i said and i stood in between the both of them so i could see both of their face. They nodded.

" WHO DO EITHER OF YOU THINK YOU ARE DECIDING FOR ME WHAT IM DOING" i yelled. Thats when Will decided to speak up.

"Your mate" his voice shrilled. That just pissed me off even more . so i turned and looked up at him dead in the eyes.

"Then as your mate you should trust me to make my own decisions". then i ran up to my room and locked the door.

I felt the tears drip down my face as i changed into a tank top and juicy sweat pants .

Who do they think they are telling where i can and can not go. I may be his mate but that does not make me his property.  all he does is confuse me one minute hes fighting for me the next his voice is ice cold like nothing can melt him.

Just then i herd a knock on the door.

"Abbie its me please open up" Will's voice whispered. I got up and opened the door then went back to lay down in my bed. he walked in nd shut the door but didn't lock it.

He looked a me with a sad remorseful look in his eyes. he pointed. to the bed as if asking to sit i only nodded as tears streamed down my face. after he was next to me he took my face and put it on his chest.

"I dont want you to leave too" he mumbled.

" why would you say i was going to live with you"

"you don't want to live with me"

"im not saying that but im not saying i want to because you obviously  don't trust me enough to make my own decisions"   he just doesn't get ot of our relationship is going to work than he needs to trust me.

"but how am i suppose to trust you if i dont know if you'll leave me or not"

"Because you have to trust me not to leave "

i hear a faint whisper that not even a wolf can hear.

" say that again" i say turning to face him.

"i said fine" his voice was cold and hard like stone but then he did the last thing i would have ever expected in a thousand years........


sorry this chappie is so late but i love you guys for the positve coments they make my day .




why because ily


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