chapter 11

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On our way home it was nothing but pure bliss he opened the car door for me, also he put his hand on my inner thigh make tingle shoot through my body leaving my body feeling like I was in air. Will is so hard to get through to I never know what emotion is next I never know whats right or wrong to say but all I know is being with him always feels so right and for some strange reason I know I love him even if I barely know him.

“Will, can you promise me something” I mumble meekly knowing this is going to be hard to talk about for both him an also myself because I know this is going to be painful to talk about.

“ I can’t promise not to get mad because I don’t know what this is about but I can try to keep my anger under control.” he says gruffly looking at me with suspicion in his eyes.

“why is it so hard for you to show me your emotions” I say softly resting my hand on his shoulder.

“what do you mean by that” he says with his voice stone cold but I can feel the disappointment radiating off of his body and his wolf. My wolf senses his sadness and howls with grief.

“Will you know what I mean we always get to the point when you finally start to open up to me but then you just shut yourself back down again, you are barely ever your whole self where I can see the full you the good and the bad” I say sweetly as he pulls the car over to the side of the road.

“ I don’t hide my emotions to keep them away from you its to keep them away from myself , I don’t want to ever end up hurting you or driving you away” he says partly enraged.

“ its funny you say that because its one of the things that’s driving me away, I came here for you to know you , to see if we can work to fall in love with you not just by fate but by choice and I just want to let you know that I will fight for our relationship but if your not going to fight with me then I might  as well not even be here”

“I swear to you Abbie that there is no one else on the face of the earth I would be with but you have to understand just because you’re here does not mean I can become a mushy gushy alpha, I am who I am because I have to be”

“ All I want is for you to show me the real you not just a cold hard alpha who everyone fears” I say looking into his eyes.

“I’ll try to let you in but you have to understand that it can only be between you and me, because in front of everyone else I’m the big bad alpha” I know its not much but just his effort means a lot to me know he will try to let me in means so much to me. So I kiss him not holding anything back, he deepens the kiss biting my lip softly asking me for an entrance ,which I denied  him causing  him to growl which makes me smile.

I pull away from him causing him to grab my hips to keep me in place, we both locked eyes his eyes showed so much love and lust that I couldn’t stare at him anymore because I wanted go home and be with him in almost every way I possibly could.

“Will its time for us to go home” I say. He pushed on the gas so hard that we were home in like 5 minuets. He opened the car door and carried me through the threshold of the house then practically bolted upstairs he then gently put me on the bed causing  me to giggle. When I went to look at his face he was on the other side of the bed pouting , causing me to giggle even ,ore but I kept these ones to myself. I crawled on top of the bed and wrapped my arms around his neck and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

“babe why are you pouting” I say putting my head in the crook of his neck.

“you laughed at me” he said puffing out his lips.

“its ok baby your cute” I say while moving to sit on his lap “I know what I can do to make it up to you” I say sweetly.

“you do?” he says but its sounds more like a question.

I slowly bring my lips up to his ear “mark me” I whisper faintly.

“I can’t believe I’m asking you this but are you sure you want to do this abbie” he says. I wrapped my arms around him and hug him like no tomorrow. He cared if I was sure or not , marking your mate is one of the hardest thing for the male to put off it shows that your taken already and its ever harder for a alpha to put off  because they are even more possive the a regular wolf.

“I’m more sure about this than anything in the whole world”

Then he starts to gently kiss my neck and then I feel his teeth graze my skin then they sink into my neck. The feeling starts as painful but then it becomes sensational. I can feel sparks flying through my body and I know he feels it too.

I wrap my arms around him leaving my head draped on his neck. I gently trail kisses along his neck and then finally up to his lips.

“Abbie I love you” he said it so quietly that you could barely hear.

“really?” I said smiling in shock

“yea  really” he says with his signature smirk on his face.

“well then it’s a good thing that I love you too then isn’t it” I say. I cant believe that he loves me this is more than anything that I could ask for.

“really?” he asks.

“really” his face lit up like a little kid on Christmas just about to open up all his presents. His eyes were filled with love and lust.

I decided that this night was going to last me forever but I was going to have to change out of my dress and heels. So I got up from our bed and walked over to the dresser and took out a pair of shorts and a tank top and went over to our bathroom and went in and changed when I started to take off my make-up Will walked in and just sat on the toilet staring at me. While I continued getting all the make-up off. I put my hair up in a pony-tail and walked back to our bed while swaying my hips on the way over just to torment him.

“Abbie” his growl was low and cold. All of a sudden I was pushed on the bed being.... tickled. It was horrible pure evil, that is my biggest weakness.


hey guys there is alot going on in this chapter so sorry that its all over the place i hope you all really enjoy this one i felt like it was time for Will to mark  Abbie , i hope to have some more feed back from you guys so ily

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