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(Your point of view)

I had often spent my times around a mage called Loke. Many had assumed I was just one of many girlfriends, yet I wasn't. I simply enjoyed his company. However, he flirted with me and many others girls. It's most amusing. Sadly, he's disappeared recently. I haven't had any contact with him, at all. All the girls are furious with a particular girl called Lucy, from Fairy Tail. Apparently she drove him away or something like that. I don't believe a word of that. Lucy's been sweet every time I've talked with her. There's no way that'd she do that. Ever. I think he was planning this. I remember one particularly odd conversation before his disappearance.

*flash back*

"Hey, (y/n)..." Loke started. I let out a laugh. He's gonna flirt again. "No, I won't be your 506th girlfriend." I joked. Loke shook his head and removed his glasses.  He put his hand on my shoulders and turned me towards him. We stopped walking. I looked up at him. His eyes were stern and cold. He's serious... After he exhaled a deep breath, he softened his expression and removed his hands. "You ever considered learning magic?" He asked me. I shook my head. "The big, strong Loke will protect me. That's what friends are for," I replied with a smile.

Although his expression soft, it was clear sadness clouded his face. "Loke?" I said. There was a tear in the corner of his eye, yet it refused to fall. Loke? Say something. He wiped his eyes and told me, "I won't be here forever, (y/n). I can't always protect you." Loke? You're not leaving, are you?  "You're not leaving, are you?" I inquired. "Soon," he responded. I felt myself being dragged forward. Loke had grabbed my wrist and started walking forward. His shades returned to his face. "You're not going forever, are you?" I pressed on. A nervous laugh left him. "So, you going to learn magic?" Loke asked, changing the subject.

I let out a sigh. I wasn't going to get anywhere with him. "I really like your magic..." I murmured. "I can't exactly teach you my magic... but you can get the next best thing. Fire magic," he suggested. Like I'm suppose to focus on learning magic when my only friend is leaving. Potentially forever. I nodded. He wrapped his arm around my neck. Loke leaned in and whispered, "Please don't be sad. I'll treat you to something while we're out." I guess I should focus on the now. He'd want me to be happy. "Fine. But you're paying for the ice cream!" I laughed as I sprinted towards the ice cream shop.

*flash back over*

Now he was gone. Instead of flocking towards Lucy for revenge, like all the other girls, I had decided to join Fairy Tail. "Hi (y/n). Have you seen Loke recently?" Mirajane asked when I approached her. I came here often, so we got well acquainted. "No sorry," I replied. "Anyway... I was curious if I could join Fairy Tail?" Mirajane finished serving someone a drink and then said, "I'll get the master." Master Makarov approached me. I saw him several times before, yet never engaged in conversation. "So you would like to join the guild?" The master inquired. I nodded my head. "Yeah, Loke recommended I learned magic. I thought it'd be nice to join Fairy Tail," I answered. The master thought about it before he told me, "Of course, you may join."

Yes! Would he be proud? I did what he asked. He better be, wherever he is. "Where would you like your guild mark and what colour?" Mirajane asked me. "(F/c), on my back." I replied. I removed my jacket and revealed a large gap in my shirt, which made a portion of my back visible. When that was done, I had decided to leave the guild hall for a walk. Specifically, where I walked with Loke. It's gonna be weird without him around. Guess I should make some friends in Fairy Tail. I sighed. As I was going to return home, I noticed Loke walking somewhere.

So he's finally going, huh? I walked over to him to say my last goodbyes. "Hey, uh, Loke." I greeted awkwardly. His body jerked up, clearly showing I made him jump. He turned to face me and said, "uh, hi." I scratched the back of my head. "Before you leave... I'd like you to know that I finally learned some magic..." I told him sheepishly. I turned around and showed him my guild mark. "You proud?" He gave me a small smile, still clouded with sadness, and nodded. I'm going to miss you, idiot. Why do you have to leave? You're so dumb, sometimes. "Yeah, I'm proud. Keep it up. I believe you're going to do good in this world," he replied. We waved each other goodbye as he disappeared into the darkness.

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