Lion's love

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(Your point of view)

He loves me!? HE LOVES ME!? Did he really mean all those past times he flirted with me? Were those times genuine and not him just being flirty? I would hope so. I would love so. I tackled him to the ground again in a hug. A giant smile was on my face, going from ear to ear. He hugged me back and sat back up. I was now sitting on Loke's lap. "I guess that means you feel the same way. Unless woman have some sort of weird way of rejecting people," he joked. I laughed with him. You are awesome Loke. Remember that forever, you idiot.

"I don't know. I think me screeching in joy and hugging you means I don't feel the same way," I teased sarcasticly. He chuckled and rubbed my back. "You're important," he whispered. "Course I am! Without me, fire works wouldn't be here!" I laughed. Loke stood up, picked me up and spun me in a circle. Good time to question him... "Hey Loke... quick question... Were all those times you flirted with me genuine?" I asked.

"You'll get a cold butt if you sit in the snow any longer. That isn't exactly pleasant for a man, (y/n)." he joked.

"It's only been a minute and I'm sure I'm not that mean," he consoled.

"Besides, this position should really be saved for the bedroom."

"A smile suits you best. Don't let it ever fall," I told him."That goes for you, too." Loke responded.

"Aw, don't say that. You'll hurt my feelings,"

"You have no feelings, Mr Tuxedo." I retorted. "Would it be better if I took it off?"

Loke took a chair near me and held my hand. He stroked the palm of it with his thumb.

"I guess someone else gotten fancy, too."

"But every cloud has a silver lining."

He wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"I don't know. Was it (y/n)?" He asked rhetorically. I gently slapped him on the arm. "You're such a tease!" I told him. "You said that before," he said. "You're mean..." I murmured. "That, too." He responded. Really Loke? Whatever. "Why do you like me anyways?" I asked him. Loke gave me the most heart warming smile and took off his shades. "Why wouldn't I?" He replied. Why wouldn't you? I count 100 different reasons why you wouldn't like me... I opened my mouth to speak, but he put his index finger over my mouth -signalling me to be quiet. Loke cupped my face in my hands and leaned in closer. Are we going to kiss? We're about to kiss. I don't know if I want to kiss. Who am I kidding? Of course I want to. I love him. I leaned in aswell and... we kissed.

(Loke's point of view)

(Y/n)'s eyes widened with shock, but she wore such a large smile. Like before, she tackled me to the ground in a hug. I'm going to have to break a few bones just to be around you. I positioned myself back into a sitting position with (y/n) on my lap. "I guess that means you feel the same way. Unless woman have some sort of weird way of rejecting people," I joked. She laughed with me. "I don't know. I think me screeching in joy and hugging you means I don't feel the same way," she teased with a sarcastic tone. This is why I love you. You're sweet, kind and hilarious.

I chuckled and rubbed her back. "You're important," I whispered, to reinforce that I care about her. That a lot of people care about her. "Course I am! Without me, fire works wouldn't be here!" She laughed. I stood up, picked her up and spun her in a circle. You're so cute. "Hey Loke... quick question... Were all those times you flirted with me genuine?" She asked me. Were the times you flirted with me genuine?

"(Y/n) spent five years looking for you Loke! You should of told her!" Lucy scolded me.

She pretty much tackled him to the ground in a hug. "You idiot! You should of told me you were an awesome celestial spirit."

"And sentimental moments should last, not be cut short."

" A smile suits you best. Don't let it ever fall,"

"She really cares about you. Specifically, she told me to treat you well," Lucy continued.

"Wow! This is really pretty, Loke!"

"Loke, please don't be sad. You're gold and shine brightly. That makes you awesome," She told me. My grip tightened. "Smile. We agreed to always smile. Please smile."

"Loke, you're awesome!" She squealed.

"I don't know. Was it (y/n)?" I asked rhetorically. She gently slapped me on the arm. "You're such a tease!" She moaned. "You said that before," I said. "You're mean..." she murmured. "That, too." I pointed out. "Why do you like me anyways?" She asked me. I gave her my best smile and took off my azure shades. "Why wouldn't I?" I replied. She opened my mouth to speak, clearly to say a reason for why not. I put my index finger over her mouth - signalling her to be quiet. I cupped (y/n)'s face in my hands and leaned in closer. She leaned in aswell and we kissed. "I love you too, Loke." She whispered. I smiled and proclaimed, "Here's to a happily ever after."

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