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(Loke's point of view)

"Tell me something I don't know," (y/n) croaked in response. She knows she's dying? "I thought I was dead earlier. I'm happy with it. I've done everything I've wanted to do. And, most importantly, I got to see you one last time." A faint smile formed on her face. I just stared at her in shock. She's okay with this? "You're... okay with this?" I murmured under my breath. Come on... you were going to live so much longer than this. Already? She nodded weakly. "You're gold. You're sunshine. That's all I can ask for. You really made everything better for me," she told me.

I looked out the window to the night sky. I felt like something was... wrong. And, sure enough, I noticed some stars fading in the sky. My head snapped back round to (y/n). Her body was disappearing. No way... "You know that silver key you said never worked?" I asked. She nodded and pointed to a nearby jacket. I took the silver key out of a pocket. "How did you survive?" I questioned. She gave me a confused look. I dangled the key in front of her. "You can't exactly open your own gate in the human world. And you survived here for even longer than me somehow."

I held out my hand to her. Slowly she reached towards it. Light starting surrounding us and took us the celestial world. I saw the life turned to (y/n) instantly. She straightened her stance and stretched. "Oh for the life of my I have never felt so refreshed," she exhaled. A large smile was plastered on her face. I won't lie. It's kind of cute. "Come here," I said and I pulled her hand. The key of the forgotten flame. It was only natural to take her somewhere with a lot of fire. Her face lit up with delight. "Loke, you're awesome!" She squealed and fell backwards into the fire. As if it was natural. What she needed.

(Y/n) stood up and her attire had changed. She was in a dark red blazer and a black top. She was also wearing a black pencil skirt with red accents. Her (h/c) hair was styled down. "I guess someone else gotten fancy, too." I joked. She looked at her clothes and then looked back at me. "You make the most elaborate pranks," (y/n) laughed. Still oblivious... she took off her blazer and tied it around her waist. "Loke let's go home now." I put on a bit of a worried look. She tugged on my sleeve and said, "Loke, let's go." I scratched the back of my head. "Loke! Come on! Prank's over!"

I sighed and looked at her. Her expression was gloomy. "I'm not pranking you. You're a celestial spirit," I told her. She sighed. "I'm okay with that," she replied and hugged me. "I'm happy with that, because I don't have to leave you." I hugged her back. "You're golden sunshine. I don't want to put clouds over the sun." I smiled and told her, "But every cloud has a silver lining." (Y/n) giggled. "Cheesy," she sneered. "Saucy," I teased. "In all seriousness, how do I go back?" She asked. "You just do the same thing as celestial wizards, but in your head." I replied. A light started to in case her and she faded away. She'll be just fine...

(Your point of view)

I opened my eyes and, as Loke said, I was back in Earth Land. I can't believe this. I really can't believe this. I'm a celestial spirit? This is madness. Loke had a point, I survived even longer than him. I wasn't banished from the celestial world, either. Furthermore, I have no memories of it. This is just chaotic madness. After some wandering about, I saw a familiar blonde haired girl. I guess the smart thing to do is give my key to... Lucy. I won't lie. I'm extremely jealous of her. She has Loke's key, his undying attention and was the first to find out about him being a celestial spirit. I'm really jealous of her. But... if I'm a spirit... maybe it won't be as bad as I thought.

I approached Lucy, fiddling with my key behind my back. "Oh, (y/n)... shouldn't you be in the infirmary?" Lucy greeted with concern. I shook my head. "No... not at all. Turns out I was in a similar situation to Loke. Never would of guessed it myself," I told her. She gave me a confused look and asked, "what do you mean?" I sighed and held the silver key in front of her. "Turns out I'm a spirit. I can hardly believe it myself," I explained. Her eyes widened in awe. "That's so cool!" She squealed. "And... I've come to make a contract with you," I continued. She nodded. "When are you free?" She asked. "Any time. I'm looking forward to it," I responded. I handed her my key and disappeared.

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