Familiar Manes

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(Your point of view)

It's been seven years since Loke has left. I miss the guy, but I need to move on with my life. Fairy Tail just won the grand magic games. It was so awesome! There were so many powerful wizards battling it out with Fairy Tails' finest. I've got my own place, making good money. Life is going great. But I really do miss the fool... "Hey (y/n). You're looking kind of glum. Are you okay?" Lucy asked me. She was right. My face had been on the table for ages. "Missing Loke. He's been gone for seven years and for five of those I searched for him. I never found him," I muttered in response.

It's true. I spent five years travelling to find the ginger numskull. Lucy gave me a look of confusion, suprise and knowing. She handed me one of her golden gate keys. A zodiac key? Why are you giving me a zodiac key? "Here, take this for the day. I'd recommend somewhere people can't here you squeal," Lucy told me with a sympathetic look on her face. Confusion was plastered on my face, but I nodded and travelled up a snowing mountain. Wait. Who's gate key is this? I have had an experience with gate keys in the past, but the silver one I had never worked. I looked at the key and saw the zodiac symbol for Leo. The golden lion... why the most powerful? Lucy, you're up to something. I know it.

I took a deep breath in. Better not be tricking me. "Open! Gate of the golden lion! Leo!" I summoned. When they were summoned, there back was to me. They had spikey orange hair and was wearing a tuxedo. They were frantically looking around and yelling, "Lucy! Where are you? Are you okay?" During this commotion, I took it upon myself to take a nice, comfortable seat in the snow. Eventually, he realised that there was no danger. His body relaxed instantly and he stretched. Idiot didn't even look behind him...

The lion finally turned around and saw me. He looked familiar, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. The azure shades and spikey ginger hair were Loke's signature, but it can't be him. I highly doubt the golden lion is Loke. When he turned around and face me, he appeared really shocked. He cleared his throat then gave a hand out to me. "You'll get a cold butt if you sit in the snow any longer. That isn't exactly pleasant for a man, (y/n)." he joked. I rolled my eyes and took his hand. He pulled me up and I inquired,"How do you know my name?"

The spirit scratched the back of his head and wore an awkward smile. "Wow, I really look that different?" He asked rhetorically. "You were always oblivious to the obvious. It's me. Loke." My eyes widened and I pretty much tackled him to the ground in a hug. "You idiot! You should of told me you were an awesome celestial spirit. And that the human world was impacting you, so you had to leave!" I scolded. I hugged him tightly and felt a warm liquid running down my face. Tears... "I missed you, Loke." He patted my back. "Hey, don't cry. It's only been a minute and I'm sure I'm not that mean," he consoled. I wiped away my tears and nodded.

"Besides, this position should really be saved for the bedroom." Loke added. I quickly got off of him and pulled him up. "And sentimental moments should last, not be cut short." I retorted. We laughed together, just like we used to. He's back. He's finally back. And he's the best celestial spirit. But... that reminds me... He wouldn't of implied he was going forever if he'd come back. What happened? "That reminds me... what happened?" I asked. His face went misty, from sadness or another emotion I couldn't tell. "Let's... go on a walk. I guess I got some explaining to do. You deserve to know," he responded, his voice full of sorrow. Misty from sadness.

We went to where we used to walk. A small path next to a forest - just on the outskirts of Magnolia. "So me and Aries had an owner called Karen..." he began. Loke took in a deep breath. "She treated Aries very poorly and refused to end our contracts. I had decided to stay in Earth Land for a really long time, so she couldn't summon any other spirits. She begged me to stop, but I refused. She never cancelled our contract. Eventually, she went and did a job without us..." Loke paused. "She died. And I was banished to Earth Land. It had been three years and I was about to die."

I saw a few tears fall down his face. I did what I always do when I'm sad. Hug him. "Don't be sad. You were just doing what you thought was right," I attempted to console him. "Please don't be sad. I'll treat you to something while we're out." I guess I should focus on the now. He'd want me to be happy. "Fine. But you're paying for the ice cream!" I grabbed his wrist and started running. "Come on! I'm paying for the ice cream."

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