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(Your point of view)

It's been a month since Loke came back. He visited me every other week. So sweet...

"Loke! Put my down! I'm not made to be carried on your shoulder!" I squealed. Loke was carrying me on his shoulder and running. "You're really slow," he replied and kept on running. A smirk had formed on his devious face. "Atleast I'm consistant," I joked. "In what?" He laughed back. "Everything!" I told him. He laughed and shook his head. He kept running. "You weren't consistant with not learning magic," he teased. I rolled my eyes and let my head swing behind his back. "Your hair can't decide whether it wants to look like lion ears or not," I sneered.

He was always doing something ridiculous. Seriously, what's going on in that head of his? His hairstyle isn't even consistant. One day, I shall get my revenge. One day, I shall get him soaked in water.

"Wow! This is really pretty, Loke!" I exclaimed. "Sure is," he chimed. We stood before a clear lake that reflected the sunshine. "You always bring something new every time we're out. I don't know how you do it," I remarked. I heard him laughing, attempting to stop. I gave him a suspicious look, I reckoned he was planning something. Since I hadn't had a lot of evidence for it, I sighed and looked back at the water. Before I knew it, I was soaked. Loke pushed me in. "Oi! I'm going to get you back for this!" I yelled. He changed into a pair of swimming trunks and jumped in.

He had prepared for it and didn't tell me. He's so mean and tricky. But that's why he's a fun friend. It's predictable, yet unpredictable. You can map out his personality, but never his actions.

"You ever been on a Ferris wheel before?" Loke asked me. I shook my head and looked at the circular ride in front of me. "It's really fun, I went on one before I joined Fairy Tail. I also went on a roller coaster." He pointed to another ride. "Wanna go on it?" I thought about it for a moment. Finally I nodded my head and replied, "Sure, but this better not be a trick." I was screaming the whole ride. The idiot picked the fastest one to scare me. "You're so mean!" I yelled jokingly. "Aw, don't say that. You'll hurt my feelings," he laughed. "You have no feelings, Mr Tuxedo." I retorted. "Would it be better if I took it off?" He teased. My eyes widened and I shook my head. "No! God, you're such a tease." I responded and we laughed our way to the next ride.

I had decided to take a harder job. I wanted to test myself and see if I had gotten stronger. Massive mistake. Terrible mistake. It was such a bad idea. I don't know why I thought I could take the job. I knew the extent of my magic, but did it anyways. I should of took baby steps up to the harder stuff. Not go right to it. The job was to defeat a dark guild wizard. I thought it wouldn't be too hard, considering how much they were paying. The dark guild member poisoned with my magic and left cuts all over my body. I was going die. I closed my eyes and smiled. At least I got to see Loke again...

I opened my eyes to be greeted with a white ceiling and the smell of herbs permeating throughout the room. I attempted to sit up, but my body ached with pain. When scanning the room, I noticed a familiar orange haired boy in the room. He looked really upset. He wasn't crying, but looked on the verge of doing so. "Why are you sad, Loke?" I croaked. His head shot up and faced me. Loke's signature glasses were off. "How are you awake?" He inquired with sad eyes. What do you mean? "Becase I'm awake?" I responded. My voice was raspy. Loke took a chair near me and held my hand. He stroked the palm of it with his thumb.

"Loke, please don't be sad. You're gold and shine brightly. That makes you awesome," I told him. I noticed his grip tightened. "Smile. We agreed to always smile. Please smile." I weakly moved my hand towards his face and rubbed his cheek. One tear had fell... Loke. Stop crying. Please. Smile for me. Show me your radiant smile. One that glows with a passion for life, a passion for friends. Don't be gloomy. You're putting "clouds over the sun," I murmured. A confused look intertwined with his sorrowful one. "Your smile shines like the sun. You being gloomy is like putting clouds over the sun," I explained.

A faint smiled formed on his face, but quickly disappeared. "(Y/n)..." he whispered. I nodded for him to continue. "You're dying."

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