Chapter 7

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They walked down the stairs and came running towards me as soon as they were down them.

"We missed you" Montana yelled.

"What was the surprise?" Molly asked

"Well promise me you won't freak out"

"Promise" They all said

"Now tell us"Kahilii said.

"Okay. Okay. Hold on I can't tell you. I have to show you." I started towards the bed room doors and they followed "No. Wait here. Turn around and close your eyes." They followed directions. " if at any point you unfollow my directions you will leave. Got it?"

They all nodded. I turned back around and started for the rooms again and whispered "guys where are you" both the doors opened.

"DeAnna we remember you from the December to Remember tour" James said

 "Yes now shhh" I shushed him. "Okay, Noah, the girl on the far right is Molly. She loves you a lot, you're her favorite when the time comes stand behind her." He nodded in agreement "Mason, the girl next to Molly is Montana, she feels the same way about you that Molly feels about Noah"

"So stand behind he when the time comes"

"Yes, Luke stand in the middle/behind of the two girls next to Montana. Sadly they both have boyfriends. The one closest to Montana is Kahilii and next to her is Lucie." He nodded

"Now that means I stand behind her right?" James asked " Am I her favorite"

"No James you're my favorite, but yes you will stand behind Jordan"

"Really?" James asked "Am I Really your favorite is that why you asked me to prom?"

"Yes but we have to weeks to talk about"

I motioned them to go stand behind the girls in their assigned order. I stood in front of the girls.

"Keep your eyes closed until i tell you to open them. Mom entered a contest and I won a week with special people but they decided to stay another week past that time so I officially have A summer high living in my basement like apartment for two weeks."

"Stop lying De." Jordan said 

"I'm not turn around and open your eyes."

No earplugs could ever muffle the shrill screams that came out of their mouths. Noah went up and hugged Molly. Mason Hugged Montana. Luke hugged Kahilii and Lucie. James hugged Jordan.

"She didn't tell you the best part. I'm her prom date" James aid walking over to me and hugging me.

"AWWWWWWWWW" they all cooed

"So Molly do you need a date?" Noah asked

"Yes I messaged you on twitter but i didn't think you'd see it"

 "So it's a date" Noah hugged her and Molly turned 50 shades of red.

"Montana I did receive your dm and the answer is yes" Mason then hugged Montana

" I know you two have dates, but Jordan do you have a date?" Luke asked

"No, I also messaged you asking to be my date"

"Well the answer is yes. But guys we need dress clothes" 

"Mall party again?" I asked

"I'll get the van" Jordan said.

"The van?" the boys asked confused.

"You'll see" Kahilii laughed

"Guys I'd love to go to the mall but i have to get home and finish packing" Lucie said sadly

"It's fine" I said and then we group hugged her.

"Bye" we all said.

We waited for Montana to take Jordan to go get the van. When the van finally arrived with Montana not to far behind we all pilled in. Kahilii sat up front with Jordan. James and I sat behind them with Luke and behind us sat Molly and Noah then behind them sat Montana and Mason. We truly are thankful for Jordan's 18 passenger van.

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