Chapter 6

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The school day was a drag all I could think about was the surprise mom had in store for me when I got home.

"DeAnna" my teacher said my name

"Huh?" I asked

"We're on question number three. Walk us through how to do it."

"Oh uh sure." I stared blankly at my empty paper.

The girl who sits in front of me Maci I think her name is held her paper up discreetly helping me.

"You take side A and multiply by side B to get C."

"Very good"

I zoned back out shortly after that. I just wanted the day to be over. I already told the girls I was skipping the rest of the week because mom had a surprise for me. They told me I had to tell them everything. I of course promised I would.

"DeAnna!" my teacher interrupted me again.

"Your mom called and said you need to head home immediately it's an emergency."

I knew it wasn't and I had already warned the girls earlier that during 5th period I would be leaving. I walked to the office signed myself out and then headed out the doors to my truck which could honestly use a bath.

I sent mom a quick text telling her I was on my way. When I started my truck and turned on the music Ed Sheeran started playing and I was so freaking happy.

Cause baby you look happier, you do
My friends told me one day I'll feel it too
And until then I'll smile to hide the truth
But I know I was happier with you....."

Half way through the song I made it to my house but I sat in my truck waiting for the song to end like I always do. Before I could even walk through the door mom was ushering me to her car.

"Hurry, we have to hurry" she said frantically.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see now hush" She said starting the car and MY a summer high CD started playing.

"HEY, that's where it went" I said giving my mom a stern face

"Sorry dear they're good"


"Yeah yeah yeah"

I decided to watch out the window and before I knew it mom was pulling into the air port.

"What are we doing here?"

"Shhh" mom said "give me your phone"

I handed it to her reluctantly. I watched her dial a number I had never seen before. "We're here...No she's not blindfolded yet" Mom gave me a look telling me to reach into my bag and grab my bandanna. "She is now.... yes this is her number.... see you soon"

After about 5 minutes I heard mom's van doors slide open. My heart rate sped up and my breaths became harder to take.

"GUESS WHO" I heard four voices say at the same time. I knew those voice from anywhere. Especially His. Mom could tell by the smile in my face that I knew exactly who.

"Is it the greatest band of all time" I said on blindfolding myself. When I looked and seen with my own eyes that it was in fact A Summer High. "What? How? Mom?"

"Let me explain" that voice it's like rain in the desert. "Your mom here entered you into a contest. The winner got to hang with us for a week." James explained

"Remember that essay I made you write on how much A summer high meant to you for punishment when you forgot to do dishes?" mom asked.

"Yes" I said both happy and scared right now. "So a whole week?"

"Yes a whole week. We're even willing to hang with your friends that you told us about. The ones you said we helped you make." Mason said

"THIS IS AMAZING" I yelled "Hey uh James did you get a dm form the twitter account @ASummerDeAnna?"

"Hold on let me check. Wait that's you right I follow you."

"Yes, James, that's me and I cried the day you followed me. You're the only one who does."

"I did get a dm and the answer is yes."


"Of course I'd love to come back next weekend and go to prom with you."

I was speechless.

"Hey why don't we just stay for two weeks and leave the monday after prom. We have nothing to do we don't have tou- I mean practice until the last week of May." Luke said.

The boys seemed to agree and it made me even more speechless. "I-I just this cant be real. Someone pinch me" Noah leaned up and pinched me "OW! why?"

"You asked for it" He had a point.

"Should I tell the girls or should I surprise them?"

"Surprise them like I surprised you" mom said.

"True." I replied and the guys seemed to agree. "I sent a group text telling everyone to meet at my house since todays my day to choose what we do"

Mom turned the car on and restarted the CD. Looks of hey this is us flashed in their eyes before they started singing along. It was like heaven on earth. I owed my mom big time for this. When we got back to the house we had an hour before the girls would arrive. I lead the guys down to my apartment like basement telling them this was their place to crash for the next to weeks. There was two bedrooms, a bathroom, kitchen, and living room down there. Fully furnished including an Xbox One and a smart TV with Netflix.

"Wow this place is amazing" James said gazing around.

"Come stay anytime you'd like" I laughed.

"Oh we will" Luke laughed too.

Someones phone started to ring and I noticed it was mine. It was sam.

"Hey, Sammo, what's up."

"Tour starts June 18th"

"June 18th sweet I'll be ready. I can't wait to hang out and around you like old times"

"Me either but hey I've got four surprise guests apparently mom won a contest for me so I call you later okay?"

"Okay Anna. Hey tell your guests when tour starts so I don't have to."

"You knew?"

"Love you Anna" He said ignoring the question.

"Love you too" I said and then hung up and seen all eyes were on me.

"Tour starts April 18th guys" I said

"Wait how d-" Luke started but was cut of by my mom yelling down that the girls just pulled in.

"Go hide in the bedrooms" Hurry.

Just as the bedroom doors shut the basement door opened.

"DeAnna, we're here" Montana said.

((((Clif Hanger kinda lol. longest chapter so far yayyy hope you enjoyed. I tried to make up for yesterday's. This is probably crap though))))

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