They made it back to Alluras city. Of course everyone was concerned when they realized the condition she was in.
She was rushed immediately to receive proper medical attention for her wounds. She was eventually moved to her room where she could recover peacefully.
Arguyas was given his own room just down the hall from her's, where he could stay for as long as he would like too.
Eventually Arguyas ventured to her room and knocked gently on the door. A soft "come in." Echoed from behind the door of the dark room.
Allura lied there with a bandage over her head in a totally dark room. Her concussion brought on severe head aches, so she chose to stay in a dark room to prevent them.
Arguyas smiled softly. "How are you feeling Allura?" He asked gently as he sat in a chair beside her bed. He had been waiting patiently to see and talk to her for several days now. He also had a few questions that had been pulling at the back of his mind.
Alluras room was semi large. It had one large window on the left side wall with dark bkue curtains hanging over them. The walls were white with accents of blue here and there. she slept in a large four pillar wooden bed with blue shag curtains hanging down from the middle bars.
At the foot of the bed was a fire place that held old ashes from the previous lit fire. There was a blue rug in front of the fire place and two blue cushioned chairs with a side table on it. Then a book shelf on the left side of the fire place and a small one person eating table to the right.
To the right side of her bed was an area shaded off for her to change clothes and too the left of her bed was a wash basin and jar for cleaning up.
The entire room was elegant, but also humble. She didn't flaunt riches or display jewels. The entire castle was well decorated but tasteful and neat. Until his father, she seemed to care more for her people then she did about the possessions and money she held.
That was something he already knew he would come to love about her. She seemed like someone who held a lot of grief, yet still managed to hold her head high and walk with pride and dignity. Someone who could fight a war one moment, then rule a kingdom the next.
She didn't need a king by her side to rule her kingdom with wisdom, as well as an iron fist. She could play the role of both the brains and the beauty without batting an eyelash.
She seemed to him to be the perfect split of both strength and sensitivity. Although he wasn't sure how he was already picking up on so many details of who she was, he didn't care. He liked the lady he saw laying before him, and he would protect her no matter what it took.
"I'm...Alive. But otherwise I am unsure." She replies in a soft voice. She sat up slowly as she readjusted the sheets around her. Something about his presence was comforting to her. Although she wasn't sure why. This man had risked a lot for her. Someone he was supposed to kill on that field. Someone he was meant to put a swift end too, yet he chose mercy.
"Alive is better then dead." He replied gently. "I would presume by the look on your face, that your just as confused as I am." He continued as he moved a little to give her space.
"Confused is one way to put that." She replied looking at him from under her thick eyelashes. She felt as though she smelled heavily of dirt and dried blood. It was making her stomach churn. "I would like to clean up." She requested slowly standing on increasingly shaky legs.
Arguyas stood to attention and helped her stand steady. He assisted her to the bathing area to stand. "I will leave you to clean up." He told her politely as he exited the room, standing in the hall until she was ready for him to come back. In his mind, she was forefront, everything he looked at and heard, it was her there.

Forbidden unity
FantasyTwo weapons, forged together with a connection stronger than the heavens, destined to cross paths in the hands of opposing forces, willed to forever change both parties lives in the fires of passion and war.