Month 3

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Amelia got out of the shower one morning and was craving toast and some eggs. She went to the kitchen where Owen was eating breakfast. She smiled at him as she grabbed the bread and put it in the toaster. She then cracked eggs in the pan on the stove and began to scramble them.

Around 5 minutes later, Amelia joined Owen at the table with a plate of toast and eggs.

"Amelia, what are you eating?" Owen asked, staring at her plate.

"Babies want what they want." Amelia shrugged, taking a bite of her toast, topped with scrambled eggs with syrup on top. Owen rolled his eyes and laughed as he stood up to put his dishes in the sink.

Amelia sat in the attending's lounge and grabbed her cucumber slices. She spread nutella on top of them, sprinkling sunflower seeds on top.

"Amelia, that looks so gross. How the hell can you eat that?" Owen asked when he entered the lounge.

"Babies are hungry." Amelia shrugged, popping another one in her mouth.

Owen rolled his eyes and kissed her head before leaving, deciding that he was no longer hungry.

Owen saw Arizona in the hall one day and pulled her aside.

"Is it normal for Amelia to be eating really weird and disgusting food combinations?" Owen asked.

"Yes, it's normal. It grosses a lot of husbands out. But it's good that she's eating, just think about that." Arizona said.

Amelia, Meredith, and Maggie were all sitting together in the cafeteria, eating lunch. Amelia was eating a salad, but instead of salad dressing, she used mustard. That's when Maggie spoke up.

"Amelia, are you okay?" Maggie asked.

"What do you mean?" Amelia asked.

"You've lately." Maggie said.

"What?" Amelia asked.

"You've been shortening your work load, you're taking a lot more breaks, doing less surgeries, and it's not really like you to do that." Maggie said.

"Nothing's happening." Amelia lied.

"Not to mention you have gained a little weight. You've been eating a lot." Meredith blurted.

"Mer!" Maggie said.

"Okay, fine. I'm pregnant." Amelia whispered.

"Amelia, oh my god!" Maggie gasped, smiling.

"Wait. There's more. I'm pregnant....with triplets." Amelia whispered.

"Wow." Meredith said.

"Keep your mouths shut, because we're not telling people yet." Amelia said.

"How far along are you?" Maggie asked.

"13 weeks today." Amelia said.

Amelia was sitting on the couch one night, eating a snack. Not any ordinary snack.

She was eating lime slices with peanut butter spread on top, and she sprinkled rainbow sprinkles on top.

Owen came home from work and saw Amelia eating another weird food combination.

"Amelia, how does that not make you vomit?" Owen asked.

"This is the only thing I want to eat." Amelia shrugged, continuing to eat.

"I can't wait till these nasty cravings stop." Owen said.

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