Month 6

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Amelia woke up to a kiss on the forehead at 7:00 AM. Owen was leaving for work.

"I'll see you tonight. I'm stopping at the store on my way home. How about spaghetti?" Owen said, tucking a lock of her hair behind her ear.

"Sounds good." Amelia sleepily said.

"Bye, I love you." Owen said, kissing her softly.

"Bye." Amelia said, taking his hand and and pulling it to her big bump, where the babies were kicking up a storm.

"Hey guys, it's daddy. Mommy needs to rest, so can you please go back to sleep? Daddy loves you." Owen said, kissing three spots on her stomach, one for each baby. Amelia smiled, she couldn't wait to see him talking to them face to face. He will be the best dad ever.

When Owen left, the babies stopped kicking. Amelia still couldn't sleep. She turned on the TV and found a random show to watch. After 30 minutes, she fell back asleep.

Amelia woke up to the smell of burgers and fries. She opened her eyes and checked the time, and it was noon. Sitting at her bedside table was a to-go box with a note on top.

I got you some sliders from your favorite burger place. I had a break between surgeries and decided to bring you lunch. You were asleep when I came, and I had to go. I'll see you tonight, I love you <3

Amelia smiled. She had the best husband ever. She grabbed the box and opened it, revealing four sliders and some waffle fries. Also next to the box was a green smoothie.

After eating every bite of lunch and drinking all of her smoothie, she grabbed her phone to text Owen.

Amelia- Thanks for lunch. You're the best.😘
Owen- You're welcome. What are you up to?
Amelia- Flipping through channels. Bored :/
Owen- Sorry :( I have surgery now, I'll be home tonight, love you💕

Amelia set her phone down and found some sappy romantic movie to watch.

Once the movie was over, some more movies played. Amelia dozed in and out through the next few, until she woke up at 4.

She decided to read. She read one full book which took a little over an hour. She began to read another, and fell asleep with the opened book resting on her bump.

Owen arrived home at 7 with grocery bags in his arms. He emptied the bags and started boiling the water before going to see Amelia.

He entered the bedroom to see her asleep with a book resting on her bump. He took the book off and marked the page before putting it away. He expected her to wake up when he came in, she's usually a very light sleeper. But she was in a really deep sleep this time. He decided to let her rest for now, knowing that it's harder for her to sleep at night.

Amelia woke up to the smell of spaghetti and meatballs cooking at around 7:45. She also could feel her bladder being kicked, making her urge to pee much higher. She grabbed her phone to text Owen, too lazy to yell for him.

Amelia- Get in here.😂
Owen- Manners?
Amelia- Shut up.

"Took you long enough." Amelia said when Owen came in.

"Hi honey, how was your day at work?" Owen said, saying what Amelia could have said.

"Shut up and help me up, your children are squishing my bladder." Amelia sassed. Owen rolled his eyes and helped her get up.

As Amelia washed her hands, she felt her pants get wet. She was familiar with that feeling. It was her water breaking.

"OWEN!" Amelia yelled, drying her hands. Owen appeared in seconds.

"My water just broke." Amelia shakily said.

"Okay, I'll get our bag and call an ambulance. Just go lie down." Owen said, helping her to the bed. They were warned of pre-term labor, and they had a bag packed. But 26 weeks is really soon.

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