Sidebeatz angst

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Woah I found this in my drafts from like, two years ago >:-0

Sidearms had been acting weird the last few days, and it was really bothering Shadow. Each, and every time he tried to interact with him, he wouldn't look at him or would shuffle out of the room before Shadow could even reach him.

Even when Shadow would try, and catch his gaze across the room or say his name, Sidearms would pretend he wasn't even there. He knew Side didn't hate him, the vibes that came off Side said everything else but that. Right? Really, it was more awkward for Side since he was even more flustered that week than usual. And if it got really bad, he'd go to Speedy or G18's rooms for awhile. It was kinda rare when one or another crew member wasn't in the same room with the two, which made their alone time even more "special", Sidearms liked to call it that.

Sidearms did all in his power to avoid Shadow at all costs, hanging out with Joel or Hova, going out with the Deluxe's, and such. To be completely honest, it pissed Shadow off. He wasn't supposed to be the one trying to catch Side's eye, or looking for his attention every chance he got. This was so wrong. What did he do wrong?

"Hello?" A hand suddenly waved in front of his face, making him jump lightly. "Earth to Shadow," Speedy called, his hand motion getting more viscous every second Shadow wouldn't respond. "Here, here," Shadow huffed, and smacked his hand away from his face, earning a chuckle.

"I'm going to head to my room for the night, but I wanted to remind you that we needa get up early tomorrow for a meet up," Shadow nodded, obviously he hadn't been paying attention. "Have-- have you seen Sidearms anywhere?" He asked Speedy, who in return gave him a quizzical look.

"Yeah, he's sleeping in my room tonight. Been with G, and D4 all day, why?" You have to be fucking me, seriously? He didn't even want to bump into him in the hall, this was ridiculous.

Shadow got up from the couch, marched upstairs, down the hall, into Speedy's room where he found Side on his bed looking terrified at the sudden intrusion, grabbed his wrist, and dragged him further down the hall into his room. Once inside with the thrashing Sidearms, he threw the boy on the bed, and locked the door behind him. All of this while Sidearms was begging, almost yelling at him to let go.

"What's your fucking problem?!" Sidearms yelled at him, his fists were clenched tight making his knuckles turn white.

Sidearms never got mad.. this was weird. Shadow almost felt bad, but his anger was the only thing he was running on now.

"My fucking problem?" Shadow growled at Sidearms, "What's your damn problem, huh? You've been avoiding me for almost a week, and it's fucking frustrating! What's the deal? You can't even talk to me about it, and now I have to do this because you're little pea of a brain can't handle situations upfront. Come on you stupid fuck, stop thinking of yourself for once, and say something!"

Maybe that was a little harsh.

"Wha--" Sidearms looked scared, sad, guilty. He was so tense, and the tears tracks on his cheeks were now visible in the moon light. But of course, Shadow decided that wasn't enough.

"You constantly annoy me, embarrass me, and yet I still decide to deal with your shit. You never leave me alone, but now, NOW, you decide to straight up avoid me. Are you fucking retarded?!" That was it. That was what pushed aside over the edge. He was now full out bawling, trying to cover his mouth with his hand to muffle to loud sobs he let out.

Goddammit, he went too far. Shadow stood there, watching Sidearms cry. "Fuck.." He sighed out, let a hand tangle in his hair as the everything came hit him at once.

Sidearms had always been there for him, he was always making everything happier whether it be when he laughed or smiled, he always just brightened the whole room. Envious. He was envious. Stupid, stupid, goddammit Shadow.

He slowly started towards Sidearms, holding his hand out as if Side was a stray dog that would bolt at any chance he got to runaway. To be honest, he was a mess. He didn't know why, or when Sidearms became such an important thing in his life, but when Sidearms started to avoid him, he felt lonely and neglected.

"I'm- im sorry," Side sobbed heavily, shaking, and covering his face. Shadow felt heavy with guilt, and even more when Side flinched roughly when he embraced him. "Stop, stop," He huffed.

There they sat, for hours maybe, just holding each other. Maybe this would've been something in the future if Sidearms would've been upfront, or if Shadow would've waited a little longer until Sidearms was comfortable. But nothing was gonna come out of this, all feeling were gone. Shadow forced his chance, Sidearms waited too long. Nothing would come out of this friendship now.

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