Chapter One - Subjective Torture

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~*Connor, Location, Time and Date: UNKNOWN*~

"I don't really see a point in doing this, you've tested enough, just let me go already!" I scream upon deaf ears as the ringing bells sound, crippling me, I can't see, they've blindfolded me and placed something over my mouth, though I don't have a problem breathing or talking, I only know because I can feel something made of leather just in front of my lips.

"Iris has shown great potential, though it may not look it, he's almost ready to walk outside of his confinement zone." The ringing continues, "But for now the tests will continue until further notice." A door slams and locks, the ringing stops as who ever spoke left. I stand up slowly, my graying hair sticks to my face as sweat begins to crawl down my cheeks, the temperature in my confinement zone raises, these fools think their tests will grant them answers, yet they've no idea what they're studying. My skin changes to that of a reptile, and absorbs the heat, but as soon as it did, the temperature changes again, dropping well below zero, my skin becomes thick and my blood warms. Whatever they want with me has to deal with the fact that I am not human, or at least not anymore, they found me, tracked me down using drones equipped with body scanners that read you down to the genetic coding, they do this to find what they believe to be, Demons, that's how they found me, they detected an abnormality within my genetic code, and next thing I know I'm here, in a cage, like a damn rat.  The door opens, but the ringing doesn't join it, "Iris, I'm certain you heard us talking,  so I'll get right to it, my boss is willing to let you walk around the facility but only after one more, experiment. " the way those words fell from his lips, I couldn't tell if they were true, but he seemed sincere with his calm tone,

"What's the experiment?" I ask as my skin returns to its normal pale color, cold temperature, and rough texture,

"We just need a blood sample," the door to my cage opens, I would love to rip this guy to shreds were it not for the iron chains keeping me in place. He stands in front of me, were it not for the stitches binding this face mask over my mouth I would've spit in his face, but I could do nothing. He then forces something into my neck quickly before my skin reacts to it, after a few seconds he removes the syringe from my neck and leaves without saying a word nor closing my cage door, but does close the main door. My body is weak, were it not for these binds I would've collapsed ten times over. I only have one idea as to why they'd want me, one being the fact that I may not be human, that's how they see things, hopefully they'll at least take off the blindfold when I get to walk around, hell I really just want a bed to properly rest. The sound of the door opening ends my thinking,

"So Mr. K informs me that you may be ready to walk around this facility." He enters my cage, his shoes tap against the iron floor, "But allow me to make things perfectly clear for you, this is MY facility, you follow any and all rules I present to you!" He punches me in my face hard, "Disobey my order and it'll be a lot worse than that," he rips off my blindfold, I close my eyes due to the brightness of the room, opening them slowly as they adjust to the light, the man before me stands tall, easily over 6feet tall, slightly muscular, nothing too crazy,  but he packs a hell of a right hook, he stares at my eyes, "So it was true, you've heterochromia, that makes you valuable to us, my bosses would love to hear about you. But first things first, experiments are calling, and I am particularly interested in your more hidden abilities." He grabs my stitched leather mask from the left and rips it off as a strange sphere of darkness forms around us, I scream from the removal of the stitched mask, "Now then, no one will hear us within this darkness, so I'll tell you all you wish to know. Though I think I know your first question, what is this place?"

I gather myself, "Not at all, my first question would be, why haven't I killed you yet?" He laughs, "Something you find funny?"

"Yes, it's your poor excuse for a threat. But please by all means try." He stands back, I try to move but forget the chains that held me, he laughs loudly, but as he laughs a dark smoke leaves my mouth and goes into his, yet nothing happens. "So that's your secret..." The darkness fades away, "You hold something very special and you know what I'm talking about, that smoke, I've heard about it from a few hunters but I didn't really believe it, hell it didn't affect me so I still don't believe that you can kill." He punches me in my chest, breaking a few ribs, on impact, he then pulls out a dagger and tries to stab me in my stomach, but the blade breaks from the hilt, "So your body protected itself from my blade yet not against my punch, how very curious.." He drops the hilt down as he reaches in his other pocket taking out a metal mask to cover my mouth and nose. He puts it on me,  it goes around to the back of my head it clicks together, "Now then, Mr. K will be in here within the next five minutes, as for me, business beckons. I'll see you soon Iris." He leaves the room as his phone starts to ring.

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