Chapter Six - Benevolent By Nature

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           ~*Katherine, Location: Unknown. Time and Date: Unknown*~

Yuko, Mochi, and myself stand outside of the theatre where we just saw the movie "Genuine Bloodline". Mochi and Yuko were really excited after seeing it, I walk ahead of them as they talked loudly about the film as people were waiting in line to see it, "I cannot believed they killed him!" Yuko says to Mochi as the people in line sigh disappointedly, I turn to them,

"Guys! Come on now, be polite to the people in line!" The pair quickly join my side as a few people go to hit them with their tails or folded wings, we quickly cross the street away from them, letting Mochi lead he shifts our bodies to swiftly evade traffic, making it to the other side with ease. We stand at in front of a closing store, I shake my arms, "I don't think I'll ever get used to that Mochi..."

"Well if you weren't gone for so long maybe you'd be used to the swift." Yuko punches his arm, or she would have but his spikes emerged and stopped her, "Ignoring my personal feelings towards you going on to live your life, your mother should have made the cake by now." I look at Mochi,

"Mochi..." I rub his shoulder, he moves away and walks forward, "Mochi!" He turns to me, "What's going on with you?" He sighs deeply,

"Let's just forget it okay.. Please?" I nod and we begin to walk back to my home. We shared no conversation. I open the door to my home, greeted with a lovely aroma of freshly baked cake,

"It smells delightful Becs." My mother turns to us after setting the cake down on the table, she smiles,

"Thank you Yuko, go wash your hands and come sit down." Yuko quickly goes to wash her hands in the bathroom, Mochi and I struggle to wash our hands in the kitchen sink laughing with each other as we lightly flick water at each other. We dry our hands and sit at the table with Yuko and my Mother. She turns on the candles with a small flame at the end of her left index finger, all of the lights turn off at once as they begin to sing me "Happy Birthday". I sat still, eyes closed as their words drowned into white noise, they reach the end and I take a moment before blowing out the candles, as I blow out the candles I feel something move behind me, with my eyes still closed I thought it was Yuko and didn't react. A hand grips my left shoulder,

"Not even a glance huh? I know I haven't been the best but cut me some slack, I've been busy." The voice was calm and brought me deep comfort and made my eyes water. I get up quickly and hug the person that stood behind me, I didn't need to look to know who this was,

"Father...." He holds me close,

"I promised, didn't I?" I nodded into his chest, "Come, let's eat some cake, we can talk as long as you wish tonight." We let each other go, I look up to his eyes, his left was orange and the right was green,

"Your eyes are two different colors..." He smiles as I sat back down, he sat next to Mother,

"It's a trait given to me from my birth, my mother had the same eyes, I guess it's a hereditary thing." As he spoke Mother began to cut the cake and give everyone a slice,

"So, these two are Yuko and Mochi, your Mother told me about them," As he spoke he eyed both Mochi and Yuko, "I'm glad to see you have such good friends. A pleasure to meet the pair who've filled the void while I was away." Yuko blushed and Mochi smiled,

"It's nice to finally put a face to the Father she loves so much. Thank you for the kind words Mr. Pierce." Yuko said with a wide smile, he takes a bite from the slice of cake,

"Please call me Jason, Mister Pierce is my Father." Mother taps his head, I chuckle,

"Mouth full, no talking." We all share a laugh. As the night goes on we all lounge in the living room, my Father next to Mother and myself in between Mochi and Yuko,

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