Chapter Eight - A Key Found but for what Lock

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~*Jennifer. Location: San Francisco. Time and Date: 2:27PM March 10th 2137*~

"Hmmm... what to do now...?" I ask myself as I sit on the edge of the roof of the rundown building that holds my small abode, Symmi rests arcoss my shoulders, I stratch her head softly between her ears, "Good Symmi. Resting does look nice right now but I need to find out what that key can open..." I say while looking down at my free hanging feet while holding a small black square disk in my left hand, "Those idiots really think they're impossible to hack, creating something like this in clear view of a camera made it easy for me to make a mirrored copy." I hold it out in front of me, "But what do you unlock..." I feel Symmi shift her weight slightly,

"Maybe go back into the building and find out..." She hops down from my shoulders and walks along the edge, "You pride yourself on being such a great thief or ninja and being able to get in and out of impossible areas with little help... Why would this be any different?" She spoke with such a matter of fact tone,

"Well this isn't some run of the mill office building you know... It'll take time to get everything I need to properly infiltrate that place without drawing much attention to myself." She walks over to me and sits down with her front right paw just off the edge,

"Sure... but it's not impossible, plus, on the videos we watched there are a few women there you could eaily... replace...." I adjust myself so I am laying on my left side facing the sprawling metropolis to the west, "However.. you'll have to do that rather quickly if you do not wish to get caught..." I sigh as Symmi walks on me and lays on my side.

"I guess you're right... I'm just not in the mood today..." She purrs softly as i rub her back,

"Clearly... what's biting at you Jennifer?" She asks calmly, "Are you missing someone?" I let out a laugh,

"Close, it's my lack of just that, I've no one... so why bother doing any of this, it's pointless... Risking my freedom jumping in to the lions den with a vest of raw meat." Symmi jumps off my side and walks away from me, I get up and turn around to watch her, "Where are you going?" She stops and faces me,

"It seems you are doubting yourself, but covering it with pointless lack of affection. You can't pretent to feel something you know nothing of, stop doubting yourself. If you wish to continue however then by all means lean ferther back on that ledge and I'll shove you off myself." I blink and shake my head,

"You're right Symmi, you are always right. I'm a thief, with the combat skills of ninjas of old, with little time to wallow over pointless feelings. There's information to find and secrets to uncover. Which is exactly what I will do. I'll show the world this so called business is nothing more than a glorified slaughter house for Metas." I stand up confidently, "Buuuuut how exactly are we going to do this?" Symmi makes herself into a portal and I go through it appearing in a dark room, "Well, this isn't our home Symmi..." I hear her jump on to something and flip a switch, the lights turn on and I find out we are in a supply closet,

"I'm sure you can figure out what to do from here... I will say, the one you want to play is named Claire Anders, she looks the most like you without raising too much attention." She says as she walks over a janitors outfit,

"Sure can... just have to be discrete... super..." I put the clothes on over what I had on already, they're a disgusting shade of green with a hat. I put it on and adjust the card that was clipped onto the left breast pocket, it had a bar code with a series of numbers under it. I grab a small cart that held the usual cleaning suspects. I exit the room while Symmi stays behind hiding herself in the room. As I close the door a calm, smooth voice with a southern accent speaks to me,

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