Chapter Four - An Owners Solitude

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~*Nick Melendez, Location Florida, Time 8:30 AM, March 8TH, 2137*~

My phone ringing blares next to me, "Answer on speaker." I said through my groggy voice,

"Mr. Melendez, its Elizabeth Harding," I let out a deep yawn, "I see you haven't gotten the memo." The sound of papers shuffling can be heard, "You've a meeting in 40 minutes." I sit on the edge of my bed,

"I'll be there in 20..." I said after stretching out my body, I grab my phone and unlock it, "Is there anything else Ms. Harding?"

"The Lead Scientist from Orlando called for you to go over, they said they've something to show you. Mentioned you'd know what it was about?" I stand up and set up my clothes to put on, a freshly ironed black suit and tie, the shower in my bathroom turns on as my motion sensor activates as I walk around my room,

"Anything else? If not then send Sidra over in 15." She hangs up as I get done with my morning do to list of shower and brush teeth taking ten minutes to do each at once, I return to my room to put on my outfit that laid on the bed. My phone vibrates again, "I answer it, Yes, Sidra, are you downstairs?"

"Yes sir." I hang up, and walk to my elevator as it opens as I approach it. It takes me down to ground level where my car awaits with the door open for me, I get in and close the door,

"Alright, you know where to go, so get going." The car begins to drive to my office building in downtown Miami a quick 13 minute drive, given my status within the company I have free range to do as I please, mostly, there are certain restrictions I have to follow, but those are rare in their occurrences. I sat back with my hands behind my head as the car drove on its own the freeway was fairly relaxed so I was able to allow the car to drive itself, its a working prototype and still needs a humans input from time to time but when the roads are clear it doesn't have a problem. There's a ringing from my bag that rested on the passenger seat, I open it and pull out my laptop, sliding up the screen from the end of the keyboard and fold it as I place it on my lap, it opens to a video call from Arkansas,

"Hey honey, where are you going? I thought you were coming home this weekend to spend some time with the kids and I." As my white haired, sky blue eyed, tan skin wife of seven years spoke I stared into her eyes, "Nick!" She snapped bringing me back to reality,

"Right, the weekend, sorry but you know how this business is and I have a very important next few days ahead of me. Just give the kids my love for now and I will see them when I can." She sighs, "Ivana I know what I said,"

"Promised." She corrected,

"What I promised was a for sure deal and at the time it was, but something is going on with the lab, I have a meeting with the other higher ups in 24 minutes. I'm close to a break through here, this sit down with the others is my opportunity to prove to them that I belong next in line to run this entire business into a better future. I just need to focus on this now, once that's done and dusted, we as a family will have a year long vacation to Japan." She wasn't impressed and held a disappointed look on her face,

"I understand that what you've been doing is important and all...." She wipes a tear from her left eye, "I just don't want you to lose what should truly matter to you."

"Ivana you know if I could I would easily drop everything and turn this car around and go right over there and spend my last days of life with you and the kids. But I cannot do that, not now. Please, just tell them I'm sorry." She nods,

"Fine, but next time, you tell them in person." There's a continuous beeping getting louder as my focus returns to the road as my wife walks away from the camera view, as I bring my eyes to the dashboard the blindside detectors are going off, I grab the steering wheel and turn it back into the right lane just moments before I collide with an eighteen wheeler truck,

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