Chapter 3

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As soon as the bell rang, I bolted out the main doors, hoping not to encounter Jasper on the walk home. I got about  a block away when a black range rover pulled up beside me. I was a little creeped out at first, then when the driver rolled down the window I let out a breath I didn't even know that I was holding. 

"Did I scare you?" Harry said chuckling from the driver's seat.

"Of course not, why would some huge black range rover with tinted windows just pulled up next to me, I wasn't scared at all." I said, making my sarcasm quite obvious.

"Get in." Harry said, surprisingly serious.

"What if I don't want to?" I questioned, slightly irritated by his sudden mood change. 

"Well then I guess you don't want me to go with you tonight." Harry replied, with that stupid smirk I hated.

"Fine.. But take me straight home." I huffed,and a victorious smile showed on his face. He reached across the car and popped the passenger side door open. I hopped in, literally seing that his car was so big. For a while we drove in a comfortable silence other than me telling him the directions to my house until he decided to say

"How are we getting into a club, I don't have a fake I.D.?"

"I have an extra one you can have." I told him and he threw his head back in laughter.

"I don't think I'll be getting past the bouncer as a girl."

"No shit sherlock, I have an extra from when me and Jasper used to go clubbing. I kept it just in case."

"Oh. Wha-" He was about to say something, but I interrupted to let him know thatwe had pulled up to my house. I thanked him and was about to get out of the car when he said

"I'll pick you up around 7 okay?"  I totally spaced for a second until replying.

"Oh I was gonna come around yours, but you already know where I live so that's probably easier." I smiled and he returned it.

"Okay bye CeCe." he said and I giggled before saying 

"Bye Hazzabear" I heard him groan and mutter something to himself before I shut the car door and went inside.


So I pretty much wasted over 2 hours on twitter and it's now 5:00. I walk up to my closet, not knowing why I feel the need to look perfect. I never felt the need to before, what's the sudden change of spirit? I don't know, but after 20 miutes of me raiding my closet, I settle on a black, high- waisted skirt I didn't even know I had, and a white sleeveless crop top. I am not wearing 5 inch heels, so I just slipped my converse on. Classy, right? I have no clue what I wanna do with my hair, and I don't feel like burning my hands, so I just fishtail braid it to the side. I walked back downstairs, grabbed a pizza from the fridge and plopped down on the couch. I turned on the t.v. and clicked through the channels stopping on disney channel to watch Good Luck Charlie. Judge me all you want, but I really like that show. I sit there for a good fifteen minutes until I get a text from an unknown number

From: Unknown

   Can I just come around yours now? I'm already ready and super bored. xx.-H

To: Unknown 

    How did you even get my number? But yeah that's fine I'm ready to so we can just chill for a while.

From: Unknown

   Okay I'll be over in 15 minutes(; xx.-H

I didn't bother to reply to the last message even though he never gave me an answer as to how he got my number. I quickly finished my pizza, not wanting to be eating in front of my house guest. I don't really care, but I knew my mother would be upset. Shit, I forgot to tell her. I mean it's not really easy to forget, she hadn't come out of her office once since I got home. I quickly made my way upstairs and knocked on her office door before entering. 

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