Chapter 4

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We got back to my house in about 20 minutes, taking longer than usual. I am not used to driving a huge Range Rover, I don't know how Harry does it all the time. But it wasn't driving the car that was the challenge, it was getting Harry out of the car and into the house.He was so drunk, he could barely walk. And let me tell you, being 5'7 and trying to carry a drunk 6'2 teenage boy up a flight of stairs is hard work. After about ten minutes, we finally got up to my room and I was exhausted. Harry is pretty much bipolar when he's drunk. As soon as we got up to my room he was bouncing off the walls.

"You couldn't have been like this five minutes ago when I was dragging you up the stairs?" I asked tiredly. Harry looked at me with green bloodshot eyes and said.

"Nope." He said popping the "p"

"Asshole" I replied with a grin on my face. He was so adorable when he's hammered. Wait, what am I saying? No, I can't think about him this way. Feelings ruin everything. I learned that from a first hand experience and I don't want it to happen again.

"CeCeeeeee" Harry snapped me out of my trance, I space out so much. Ugh, it bothers me. "What Hazzabear?" I said and he rolled his eyes at the pet name once again.

"Come lay with me pwweeassseeee" He asked in a baby voice, what is his deal?

"Harry no, you're drunk."

"Cecilia please, I won't be able to sleep if you don't" He pleaded. I could tell he was sobering up a bit, since he was no longer slurring his words and he was actually giving logical answers. I finally gave in and crawled on the other side of my bed. My original plan was for me to sleep on the floor, but Harry had other ideas. I faced away from him, but he pulled me so my back was against his chest and threw his arm over my waist. Then all of a sudden, he got out of bed and walked into the bathroom. Little douche, I was almost asleep. Harry came back out, but this time he was clad in only his boxers, exposing all of his tattoos. They were so beautiful, I couldn't help but to stare. Harry's famous smirk appeared on his face as he said,

"What, is there something on my face?"

"No." I replied simply.

"Then why are you staring at me?" He said with a chuckle. My cheeks flushed crimson, and I quickly hid my face in my hands.

"I was just looking at your tattoos. They are really intriguing." I stated, slightly embarassed by the fact that he knew I was staring. He looked down at his tattoo covered arms and torso with a smile.

"Thanks. Everyone just gets weirded out by them you know, all the little perfect angels around this damn town." Harry said and made his way back to the bed. We returned to the position we were previously in and just layed there for a while until Harry said,

"Wait, what if your mom comes in?" I turned to face him and giggled. He obviously doesn't know my mother very well.

"My mom stays out of my room, she isn't as sweet as you might think. She spendsall her time in her office. I kinda just do whatever. As long as I don't get caught for underage drinking or something she won't care." I replied simply. Harry looked shocked, as my mom seemed like that caring mom that was around for everything.

"Really? Your mom seems like the type that wouldn't let you walk down the street by yourself." I chuckled at the thought, he couldn't have been more wrong.

"Well I would like to go to bed sometime tonight, so shut up and let me sleep." I said and Harry laughed. Shockingly, he actually listened to me. Harry got all quiet and wrapped his arm around my waist tighter. My eye lids were getting heavy, and before I knew it I was asleep.


I awoke with the sun bright in my eyes, and an arm tight around my waist. I quickly pushed him off me, I was sweaty and I felt disgusting. He was obviously a heavy sleeper. I figured he's sleep for a while longer so I went to shower. I really needed one. I went into my bathroom and checked the clock. 11:36. Shit, I forgot we had school today, oh well I don't think Harry cares. I hopped in the shower not wanting to be too long. The warm water woke me up, but relaxed me at the same time. For some strange reason I was feeling awfully tense. Probably because Harry is in my room. Alone. He could snoop. With that thought I quickly finished up, remembering that I didn't bring any clothes into the bathroom with me. Ugh hopefully Harry was still asleep. I walked out with a towel around my body and there he was awake and sitting on my bed. I don't think my cheeks could have gotten any redder. Harry took his lip between his teeth, trying not to stare.

"Uhh s-sorry I forgot clothes." I mumbled and quickly grabbed jeans and a t-shirt. I was just about to walk into the bathroom when Harry threw a pair of sweatpants at me and said

"Put these on. You don't have anyone to impress." I smiled and walked into the bathroom to get changed. When I got back out, Harry was laying on my bed scrolling through his phone.

"Well, we obviously aren't going to school, so what do you wanna do for the rest of the day?" He asked and I shrugged, my stomach growling in the process. Harry chuckled and said

"Let's go get lunch. My treat, where do you want to go?"

"Hazzabear, you don't have to pay for me, I have my own money." I grumbled and he simply countered with

"You let me spend the night here, it's the least I could do. Now where do you want to go?"

"Can we go to five guys. I'm kind of in the mood for a burger." I said, I haven't been to Five Guys in forever, and their burgers are amazing.

"Sure, I've never been there, but sounds good." Harry grinned widely showing his perfect teeth. I shouted

"RACE YA TO YOUR CAR!!" And ran out of my room and down the stairs. All I heard was a loud laugh and a "Hey!! That's not fair!!" I got out to the car, but it was locked. Harry came strolling out of my house with a grin on his face and said "Cant get in if you don't have the keys." He twirled the keys around his finger. He unlocked his door, got in the car and just as he was about to shut the door, I hopped in, now sitting on his lap. We both laughed as I moved over to the passengers side. People misjudge Harry so much. I can already tell he is nothing like his appearance. I'm lost in my own thoughts for a while and then I'm pulled out when the car comes to a stop.

"Let's go loser." Harry says as he hops out of the car. I get out and we make our way into burger heaven. Harry's walking in front of me, and all of a sudden he stiffens up and clenches his hands into fists. I look ahead of him and my jaw drops. Jasper and his little crew are here. What are they doing here, school doesn't end until 2:30 and it's only 12. I can tell this isn't going to end well.


Guys I am really really sorry I've been really busy lately I'm so sorry I'll try to update more often. Again I'm really sorry, but I hope you enjoy this chapter. Xx- Kiara

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2014 ⏰

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