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  My name is 100526, as what it is know to my society, but I'm also know as Tamzine Aldrete. I'm 17. I live in an organized society, one where there are no real parents, and I don't mean we are all children. NO, in my society there is no more need for parents to have children like they used to. Now, our government can "grow" people, chemically. They say it makes us thrive and become more productive. No more violence, sexual tension, STD's, and heartbreak. Instead we spend our lives building our community for the greater good. We learn faster, invent better things, and do things to make our live better. We have no distractions. It is against the law to even have the thought to be with someone like the old times. If you break this rule you ate throw into what we call "The Vast." No one ever  ones back, ever. We got rid of all the unusefull things we collected over many years. We only use the things that are absolutely needed to help us move forward in life. Only the nutritious food, the helpful books filled with valid information, and only needed films to yet give us more information. If you can't tell by now we're never ending learners, used to form the place we live, Sania. I know, your wondering how this all happened, no one knows, and yes, I know, our way of life sucks, but after all we are in the year 3,000.

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