Chapter one.

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Celena  pov:

College life is amazing. I have 2 best friends. Rahul and simran. We are in our last year of college. My dad is a business man. At first we were poor. But sunddely we become rich. I love my dad a lot. I am his Princess. I have two brothers. Smith and danny.

Smith is older then me. He is very protective towards me. He will kill anyone who will make my cry.

Danny he is also older then me. He is also protective towards me. He is handling the hotel business. While inder bhai is handling the company. Well I have a beautiful family. My mom is my best friend also. She knows everything about me. Well let's say I am still they baby. But mother's are mother's.

Its lunch break. Rahul works in one of the hotels which my dad owns. I think I have to talk to bhai about his salary. And his working hours. Poor guy stresses out a lot.

Simran: rahul is not feeling well past few days.

Celena : what do you mean. I don't know. Such thing.

Simran:yes he is not well. We should go and see him.

Celena: that's a good idea.

We went to our classes. Soon it was time to go home. We left for rahul house. We knocked on his door and his mom opened the door.

Shushila: oh my dear simran and anna please come. Rahul. Is in his room.

Simran: thanks anty.

We went towards his room. The door was opened and he was sleeping. We sat on the chairs. He looked at us and gave us a sad smile.

Celena :why did you not tell me that you sick.

Rahul: why because I did not want to stress you guys. But now I am. Fine

Simran: I hate you rahul.

Rahul: awwww really

Soon we started pillow fight. It was time to leave. Simran went to her house while I go to my house. I saw bhais cars that means they home. I went inside and saw bhai watching tv.

Celena: bhai I missed you

Smith: princess where were you its almost 7.

Danny: you should have atlest called us. We were worried about you.

Celena : bhai I am. Fine. I went to rahuls house he is sick.

David{ anna dad}: is he alright now.

Celena: dad h3 is okay now.

We started eating. But they is this feeling telling me that soon everything will change.

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