Chapter 2

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Jaswine pov:

David rodricks
This names gives me so much hatred. My life's aim is to destroy him. He will pay for what he has done to us.
I am a multi billionaire jaswine khan. I own hotels restaurants shipping company and shopping malls.. I am the ceo of jaswine industry.

I am the eldest in my family. I have both my parents and one sister. Haya Is my life. She is our princess. She has everyone wrapped around her finger. We can not see her sad. Its like everything has stopped if she does not smile.

Haya:bhai bhai

Jaswine: yes princess

Haya: again you started working. Please let's go for shopping.

Jaswine:fine give me few minutes I just send this email its important.

Haya: promise.

Jaswine: promise.

I can do anything for her. She is my life.

Jaswine: come let's go princess. After shopping I have to go for a important meeting.

Haya: bhai why always working. Take some free time from work it's not like business will suffer loss

Jaswine: love you know its not easy.

We left the house and went to the shopping mall. I can never refuse her for anything. She is our everything. She has been shopping for hours now. She came out of the shop and looked sad

Jaswine: love what's wrong why you sad.

Haya:. Bhai that girl in there said people like me are not allowed to shop in that shop. It does not belong to my standards.

Jaswine: how dare she come let's go.

We. Enter the shop and the girl was shocked to see me.

Jaswine: do you know who you were talking to. She is my sister. I will make. Sure you don't get a job anywhere. I will ruine you. Get that. She is my sister

Salegirls: sorry sir please don't.

Jaswine:you too late. Get out.

I took all the bags and went home. I dropped haya home and went straight to the office. I found my best friend aka my bodyguard sitting with the file in his hands.

Jaswine: I hope you have the information on what I asked for.

Nelson: jaswine i do.

I took the file and and read what was written inside.

Name:celena david
Age:. 20
Occupation: student
Siblings:  2 brothers danny and smith
Parents: david rodricks and tressa rodricks.

She wants to be a model. Her best friends are rahul singh and simran.

Well its time to meet the devil. Celena we will meet soon.

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