Ch. 2- Findings and Deals

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Ch. 2- Findings and Deals


Halla's POV

Hiccup looked around the area they were in. He sighed then mark another 'x' in his book, where he had drawn a map. "Ugh!" He scribbled all over page in frustration. "Oh the gods hate me," he continued walking. "Some people loose their knife or mug, no I manage to loose an entire dragon!" He hit a branch and it swung back to its original position, hitting him in the face. I laughed for a few seconds before he started following the broken down trees.

"Hey! Wait up!" I called, running after him.

We followed the trees for a few feet before we started to crawl up and over a small hill. As we peaked over the small hill, we saw two dragons tied together, Hiccup and I ducked down at the same time.

Hiccup motioned for us to be quite. I agreed, nodding once. He slowly started to walk up to the dragons, I followed closely behind him. There were two Night Fury's. Tied together back to back. I let go of Hiccup and he pulled out his knife.

A foot away from the dragons Hiccup stood up tall. "We did it! Oh this fixes everything!" He put one foot on one if the dragons. "We have brought down these mighty beast!" The dragon he had his foot on groaned and moved slightly and Hiccup stepped away from the dragon and into a rock a few feet away in fear. I chuckled once, but stopped as it grumbled.

I took out my knife and walked to the other dragon. "I'm going to kill you dragon," me and Hiccup said in unison as I put my knife in the air, Hiccup's was in front of him. We looked at each other for a second then looked back at the dragons. "I'm going to cut out your heart and take it to my father." Hiccup raised his knife. "I am a Viking." Hiccup continued and yelled, "I am a Viking!" He put his arms down as he yelled at the dragon, then his arms and knife were back up.

I tried to kill the dragon. I really did. Every time I was about to strike something told me not to. "Come on," I whispered to myself. "You can do this." I closed my eyes and prepared to kill this dragon. "I'm a Viking! I am a Viking!" I whispered to myself, mentally preparing myself to attack. As I did this, both dragons groaned and I peaked through one eye. The dragon was staring into my eye.

It looked so... scared and defenseless and hopeless. And..... like... me.

I can't kill this dragon, I admitted myself. I rested my hands on top of my head, my knife still in them, and sighed.

"I did this," Hiccup said quietly and turned around, taking a step farther from the dragons. He turned around again and started cutting the ropes with his knife. I copied his actions. We both looked around us to make sure no one was watching. I cut 3 ropes when both dragons jumped out and pushed us against the same, nearby, giant rock. Hiccup and I were side by side, his dragon had one foot on his shoulder, my dragon was the same. I was so scared, my eyes must've showed my fear.

I stared into beautiful green eyes; they stared back at me

Our breathing was heavy. Fear of death was fluttering in the air around us.

I thought the dragons were going to kill us. They sucked in a giant breath and moved its paw to the ground next to us. But instead of killing us, they roared. Loudly. Very loudly. The loudness of the sound hurt my ears. After the loud roars, the dragons turned and ran off together.

Hiccup and I stood up and looked at each other, in shock. I took one step before darkness surrounded me.


"Halla, Halla, wake up," Hiccup gently shook me.

I sat up, leaning on my arm. "Wh- What happened?" I put my hand to my forehead then looked at the sky. "Oh!" I jumped up.

"Yeah. It's dark."

"I can see that! Well come on, Hiccup! Hurry up. Dad will be so worried. Or mad. Either one." I pulled Hiccup up off the ground and we held hands as we ran home, stopping outside the backdoor.

Hiccup placed his finger up to his lips and I nodded, understanding. He slowly and quietly opened the door. We saw dad, he was messing with the fire. We thought he wasn't paying much attention so- as quietly and quickly as we could- we went up the stairs, using our hands as well as out feet.

"Hiccup. Halla." Dad said. Shoot he noticed us, I thought. I'm sure Hiccup was thinking the same thing.

"Uh, dad, I have to talk to you." Hiccup said as we stood up straight. I hid behind Hiccup, as normal.

"I need to speak with you too."

Hiccup and dad spoke at the same time.

"We don't want to fight dragons," said Hiccup.

"I think its time you both started fighting dragons," dad said.

"What?" They said in unison, I remained silent.b

"You go first," Hiccup said.

"No, you," dad said.

"N- no y-you," Hiccup stuttered.

"Okay, you get your wish. You two start dragon training in the morning."

Hiccup put his hand to his forehead and the other on his waist. "Oh, I should have gone first. You know, we have a surplus of dragon fighting vikings," as he spoke he gestured what he was saying with his hands, "but do we have enough bread making vikings? Or small home repair-"

"You'll need this," dad handed him an axe, then me one too.

"Dad, we don't want to fight dragons," Hiccup said.

Dad laughed, "Sure you do."

"Let me rephrase, dad I can't kill dragons. Nor can Halla."

Again, dad laughed, "But you will kill dragons."

"Dad, I'm really extra sure that we won't."

"Hiccup. I'm serious. When you carry this axe," he lifted the axe in his arms, "you carry all of us. Meaning you walk like us," he straightened Hiccup up. "You'll walk like us. And think like us."

They said some other stuff I zoned out for.

"Do we have a deal?" Dad asked, getting serious.

"This conversation is feeling very one sided," Hiccup pointed out, rolling his eyes.

"Deal?" Dad demanded.

Hiccup sighed, "deal."

"Halla?" Dad looked at me.

I nodded my head quickly, I'm sure I looked kinda scared.

"Good," he nodded once. "Train hard," he picked up a basket. "I'll be back. Maybe." 

As he started out the door Hiccup spoke. "And we'll be here," the door shut, "maybe."


"Yes, Halla?"

"Will we really kill dragons?"

He shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe. Come on, lets get to bed."

Our room was big. Closest to the door- but still in the middle of the room, up against the wall- was my bed, then a nightstand, then Hiccup's bed. 

I couldn't go to sleep, too busy thinking about tomorrow. I turned over on my side and saw Hiccup, awake, looking at me.

"You okay?" He asked.

I nodded. "Just a bit nervous."

He stood up and walked to my bed. "Its okay. You'll be fine." He ran his fingers though my hair to help calm me down.

"What about you?"

"I'll be fine as well."

I pulled him into a hug before falling asleep.


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