Ch. 8- Challenges And Losses

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Ch. 8- Challenges and losses


"Stand your position.  Stay with in ear shot," ordered Stoick.

"I was over hearing some of the men and some of them- not me of course, I know your always the man with a plan- were wondering what the plan was- not me of course- but some If there was a plan at all," Gobber stuttered.

"Find the nest and take it," Stoick answered.

"Oh yes. Send them running. The old Viking fall back. Very good."

Toothless and Violet started to make a purring sound and lean in a direction. Stoick, knowing what that meant, when to the back to steer the boat. He followed where the Night Furies led him.


Halla's POV


"If you plan on getting eaten, you should definitely go with the Gronkle, " Fishlegs said.

"You were wise to seek help from the world's most deadly weapon. Its me," Tuffnut said.

"I love this plan," Snotlout said.

"I didn't-" Hiccup said as Snotlout walked away.

"Your crazy. I like that," Ruffnut said, whispering loudly the last part.

Astrid and I pushed her away, "What is the plan?" she asked.

I whispered in Hiccup's ear, "Putting them on dragons and going to the dragons nest, is that it?"

"It is, Halla. Very good." He smiled at everyone.


Third person POV


They sailed through the fog.

Finally, the got to the dragon's island.

Eerie constant noises surrounded them.

"We're here." Stoick said, hopping onto the shore. The eerie noises became silent almost instantly.

They started getting ready for war.


Halla's POV


Hiccup slowly backed towards us, a monstrous nightmare slowly stepping forward, its nose under Hiccup's hand.

Snotlout, frightened of he had been taught to fear and kill, picked up a weapon at his feet. Astrid smacked his arm and shook her head. The other teens looked at Hiccup in shock and amazement.

Hiccup, now next to Snotlout, grabbed his hand and pulled it to the dragon. Snotlout pulled it back. "Shh, shh. Its alright," Hiccup said, softly.

Snotlout's hand replaced Hiccup's. Hiccup stood there for a few seconds, when Snotlout began to laugh a bit Hiccup walked away. "Where you going?" Snotlout asked. I laughed as he sounded scared that Hiccup wasn't there.

He reached in a weapons box and pulled out some rope. "Your gonna want something to keep you on." The Nader, Zippleback and Gronkle showed themselves.


Third person POV


"When this mountain brake open, all he'll with brake loose," Stoick said.

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