38; relationship status

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i'm backkk👌

so sorry for not uploading in like what, three days? 🤔

just checked, it was four days 😓

let's get back to the zone!


Violet's P.O.V.


Well, well, well....

I mean, having a break from the tour was like heaven since we just wrapped up the final one for Paris. It was literally so much fun to have the final show revealing a whole lot more goodies with it being the next day, and first day to have a break until next year.

Oh my god... It was already going to be the end of 2016, and turning 2017. Time really goes quick.

I blew my hair upwards since it was drooping over my eyes while we stayed out by Paris to go out for a swim. Jenna was the one to come up with that idea.

Skin. That word made me cringe since I don't like showing my body out, but apparently, today was the day.

After Jenna yelled for me to hurry since I guessed Josh and Tyler were ready, I finished dying my hair perfectly the way I wanted it to be.

My outfit was:

I got out of the bathroom to see the others in the hallway before they laid eyes on me with shock coming to them to see my hair

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I got out of the bathroom to see the others in the hallway before they laid eyes on me with shock coming to them to see my hair.

"Whoa..." Jenna said happy and shocked.

"That's..." Tyler said staring hard.

Josh smiled and kissed me before saying "Better."

I smiled at his compliment before having Jenna ask "You sure you gonna wear that to the beach?"

"Don't judge!" I said in my soft voice. "You no like being embarrassed with your skin shown."

Josh pinched my cheeks before Jenna rolled her eyes laughing and Josh added "Good thing you're gonna be pouty when we get in the water."

I puffed my cheeks before Josh laughed and Tyler and Jenna gagged when we were being our little cute couple.

When we got over to the beach, I sighed before seeing Jenna being her little self with her beach dress and showing her bikini out while I stood on the sandy sand with my flip flops on still.

"Come on!" Josh said making me go out of my thoughts. "You wanna get wet?"

"I hope you mean water on me," I said taking off my flip flops.

Josh flashed a smile before raising his eyebrows sexually at me, and I hit him before giggling.

I sighed before resting my beach towel on the ground with Jenna screaming happily to the water while Tyler chased after her.

I sat on my beach towel before Josh looked at me. "What, are you doing?" he said towering over me.

My eyes looked at him. "I'm gonna wait until I feel like it."

Josh looked at me crazy and shook his head before lifting me off the ground fast and making me stand up. "No time to fuss, let's go inside!"

I looked at my clothes before I took off my shorts and left my top on before Josh motioned me to take it off, and I did showing my bikini.

Josh acted like a dog with his tongue sticking out when we saw my bikini, and I hit him before saying "Come on! Not in public..."

He smiled before taking my hand and pulling me with him to the water before I crashed in with him and not getting my hair messed up since it was dye.

I sighed before saying "My hair! I need to keep it dry!"

Josh stuck his tongue out at me before saying "Come farther out!"

I sighed before going over by him before he hugged me and kissed me repeatedly before I giggled and kept my hair dry from anything.

"You okay?" he asked.

I looked at him and nodded. "I'm enjoying this... well, you know..."

Josh squinted his eyes at me since the sun was out, and I said "Relationship."

He smiled at me before agreeing too, obviously.

Josh said "Can I hear you sing?"

My expression got sorta serious when he asked, and he said "I'll sing along too."

Josh's P.O.V.

While holding her, she resting her head onto mine before hearing Tyler shout "Josh! We need to play a game!"

"Which?" I called out.

Tyler shrugged while Jenna was floating. "Hold on!"

Violet was paying attention to something else, and I kissed her cheek to bring her attention to me. Which did work.

She smiled at me before humming Tear In My Heart.

"Tear In My Heart?" I asked.

She nodded before I went along with while we stayed in the water before I splashed her upper back to her neck.

"Oh my god..." she said. "You did not!"

"Oh, what if I did?"

She cupped her hands in the water before I let go and swam away quickly with her trying to catch up.


By the time we finished swimming, we went by a little cafe that seemed to be nice. Plus, it was nice outside, so we needed to be outside with the warm sun feeling perfect.

"Surprised to hear that you got that little singing more comfortably, huh?" Tyler said to Violet, who was sipping on her tea.

Violet looked at him to nod and continue sip.

I laughed with Jenna asking "Is there anything else to hide? Or to say?"

Violet put her tea down before looking up. "No... Besides me loving photos, the boomerangs, drawing, music, singing... nada."

Jenna and Tyler nodded before looking at each other. I, for one, already knew all this since Violet admitted it pretty quickly for me, and I am a lucky guy.

"You should show her that ring you got her, Josh," Tyler said out of context.

My eyes looked at Tyler real hard before he realized and looked away before Violet said "What ring?"

I smiled before saying "It's just a little something, I think I got it back with our stuff. It'll be okay."

Violet luckily stayed quiet and had the look of convince, so I just sipped my coffee softly before looking at Violet.

She seemed to already question, but who cares?

That surprise is gonna be on Christmas.



if you know what that ring was meant to be, comment it!


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