52; handling

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another one probably done in school
UPDATE: YES (6/9/17)

i'm still in school rn alive and suffering (6/7/17)

you get another photo of Josh, and his eyes are showing in the photo


short one tho 🌸🌸


Violet's P.O.V.

Ever since earlier, I've been feeling a little bit more mellow with all the tension in my stomach and everything giving me a hard time to try not to laugh at Josh being all cute with his poses in the chair. He needs to really try and be normal for once around me, but that's a no.

Josh slouched over the chair, resting his back on the arm rest before looking at me.

"Hiii," I said seeing him.

He smiled and waved at me before sighing and looked at his pants, I think.

"What's on your mind?" I asked.

He looked at me again before shrugging. "Just really want to do something fun... Not really in the mood for this pondering and whatnot. Specially you in the room still recovering."

Was it weird to see Josh all fidgety and not himself? I thought it was since he never acts like this when I'm this hurt.

"Hey," I said.

He looked up at me.

I held my arm out to have him hold me, and he got up before walking over and holding my hand.

"I love you..." I said in my soft voice. "Don't be scared about me... I'll be okay. You just perform and do your thing."

He smiled before hugging me and I put my face on his shoulder while he was trying to be comfortable bending over to hug me.

"I love you too..." he said. "I just don't like you in this situation, that's all."

We both were silent before he decided to lay down next to me and I smiled with him being all lazy and happy.

"It's okay... tomorrow you'll do great..." I said while resting my head on him.

He sighed before resting onto me and hugging me still.


I woke up in a sudden burst of pain and agony from my stomach, and I had no clue why.

My scream must've woke Josh and the others up before Josh came over and asked "You okay? What's happening?"

My eyes winced at my stomach when I saw the dried blood bandage on my skin while I said "It's just probably me moving it... I don't know..."

"You must've rested on your stomach or something, you can't do that though..." Jenna assured me.

Josh's P.O.V.

Violet rested her head on the pillow before I walked out of the room and looking around for a doctor or nurse close by.

That's when I saw Halsey from a distance, covering her hair up with her hood before she spotted me.

"Josh!" she said as I turned the other way. "Wait!"

She stopped me before making me see her, and she said "I'm so sorry for what happened to Violet! I didn't mean to!"

I rolled my eyes before turning around and walking before she shouted "What will it take?"

Those words. That really got me to go angry at the second, and I turned around to face Halsey.

"It will take you a whole lot to pay for what you did to Violet!" I shouted. "You're trying to get her feeling empty inside because you're jealous of us together, and you keep trying to make me feel some sympathy for you! Leave her alone, and leave me alone!"

I walked away before slamming the door and pacing in front of the bed.

"Josh?" Tyler's voice said. "What's going on?"

"Nothing!" I shouted. "Everything's fine!"

Violet sigh made me see her before I walked over to say "I just saw Halsey."

Her eyes widened before her phone rang and she tried to reach for her phone. I got it to hand it to her.

She looked surprised and answered.

"No, I'm okay... Josh and them are here with me. They're performing in California too, so it'll be okay."

There's was a voice shouting in the phone before Violet backfired with "It's just gonna be a while. It won't really bother me a whole lot."

Some voices said stuff back before Violet hung up like that, and sighed before laying eyes on me.

"Who was that?" I asked.

Violet mouthed "mom" before closing her eyes and getting comfortable to sleep.

Jenna and Tyler stood there in silence before they left and I sat on the chair before Violet asked "Josh?"

I opened my eyes to see her, and she held her hand out. "Can you sleep next to me? I'm scared of anything else happening out of nowhere."

I got up before laying down and seeing Violet face to face.

She was short.

"You gonna stay with us or... what?" I asked her.

Violet nodded before kissing me and saying "Nothing will take us apart."

I smiled before nudging her nose with mine before falling asleep.



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