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It's finally night time. It was Evol's time to begin the hunt. He activates his probe droid to scout the area to make sure Evol doesn't get caught. He assembles his gun but will only kill as last resort. He hides behind a walk making sure the guards don't see him. Once the coast was clear, he runs to the wall and grapples up. When gets up on the wall, he proceeds with caution. He continues to follow his probe droid to travel in a safe route. Any time before he enters a door, the droid will look around before giving the signal to Evol. Evol is excellent when it comes to hiding. He uses his tracking device to find the V-strike. As he tries to find the ship and hides once in a while so he won't be noticed, he can see there a soldier who is training. They have new weapons that are very effective for war. As he enters the hanger, he can see that even some of the X-wings have new designs. He can tell there are enough ships in the military base to take on an imperial navy. Evol saw this as a potential threat to the first order. The hanger is not heavily guarded making it easier for Evol to go around the area. So he decided to put tracking devices on some of the large ships. Evol launches the tracking device shooting his blaster in dart gun mode. Then he continues his objective. Evol finally found the v-strike but notices there were some people around the area. He hides behind some boxes trying not to be spotted. The people near the v-strike was Brixy, one of the X-wing pilots, and a fellow Jedi. They were just talking about mechanics of weapons and vehicles. Little did Evol know that he will be spotted. The Jedi suddenly knows Evol is in the hanger. "Hey guys, I think there's a spy in our presence. I feel a disturbance in the force. Everyone, proceed with caution and be ready for anything. This is something that we should be very serious about. Be ready to face danger. We take out the enemy by any means necessary", said the Jedi. Evol suddenly knew he had to do something or else he will be captured. But Brixy found him hiding behind the boxes. She attempts to shoot Evol with her blaster rifle but misses. Evol then shoots her rifle with his pistol. He Rams into Brixy and holds her by the neck. "Tell Lexus I said hello", said Evol. The bounty hunter then throws Brixy on the walk. She was badly hurt but not injured. Evol aims his blaster and fires at the pilot. The Jedi deflects the laser bolts back to Evol. Evol the throws the grenade killing the pilot. The Jedi barely survived. Evol then makes a run for it. The Jedi speaks on his radio: "we have a spy in the base! I repeat, we have a spy in the base! He can be anywhere right now so don't let him escape!", said the Jedi. Evol follows his probe droid for an escape route. The droid flies up to a higher floor. Evol grapples his way up. Some soldiers on the lower floor found him. The attempt to shoot the bounty hunter down but Evol takes cover. Evol shoots back killing four of the soldiers on shot each. He makes a run for it again. Before he enters a doorway, about twenty soldiers were in front on him. Evol then takes cover and throws another grenade. After killing those soldiers, he makes a run for it once more. Hundreds of soldiers patrol around the base to try the bounty hunter. Evol makes sure that he kills only when absolutely necessary. As soldiers march, Evol would hide behind a wall until the coast was clear. As Evol follows his probe droid, he goes in a staircase room that leads him up a tower. Going up the stairs, he places the proximity bombs on the right side of the stairs to make sure no one will catch up to him on time. When he goes up the tower, he finds four guards. He gets hit but his armor protects him. He shoots two of the guards in the head with his rifle. One guard tries to sneaks up on him but Evol throws him of the tower. The last guard points his rifle at Evol. "Don't move", said the guard. Evol rushed toward the guard. The guard shoots but Evol uses his arm to point the rifle away from him. He then chokes the guard to death. There were fifteen soldiers down on the lower level that discovers Evol went upstairs. All together they went upstairs resulting in one of the bombs to explode killing all of them. After Evol heard the explosion, he pressed a button on his gauntlet activating a grapple rope to shoot on the top of the tower allowing the bounty hunter to zip line to safety. One Jedi wearing grey saw the bounty hunter escape. "There he his! Shoot him down! Cut that wire before he reaches the ground!", said the Jedi. As soldiers try to shoot him down, most of them could not hit him. Even though they were able to take a few shots on him, Evol's light armor was still protective enough. The Jedi in grey led her soldiers up the stairs to get to the top of the tower. But there were still two proximity bombs set up on the stairs. She sense one of the bombs, she runs to escape but couldn't save her soldiers the the bomb exploded. The blast was very effective to slow her down. She suddenly senses the third bomb but was too hurt to make a run for it. There were still more soldiers going up the stairs. They finally reach the top of the tower. They brought a sniper to try and shoot Evol while the bounty hunter is still on the zip line. But it was too late as Evol finally reaches the ground. "You'll pay!", exclaimed one of the soldiers. The soldier then gets ready to zip line down the wire so he can try and stop him. The sniper warns him not to do it. The soldier zip lines down the wire anyways. Evol then see's the soldiers going down on the wire. "So stupid", said Evol. The bounty hunter then turns on his lightsaber to cut the wire. The soldier then falls down to his death. The sniper then attempt ms to shoot Evol. The bounty hunter once more made a run for it but was shot in the foot causing him to slow down. "I recommend you get those speeder bikes ready!", said the sniper speaking on the radio. Evol was badly hurt but was able to to reach his speeder bike. He notices about ten other speeder bikes are about to get very close to him. But Evol came prepared setting up hidden infantry turrets to shoot down the soldiers on the speeder bikes. Evol then operates his bike and follows his probe droid back to his ship. There were more soldiers in speeder bikes closing on Evol. Evol set up a route that are set up with traps to slow down his enemies so he can reach his ship and escape the planet. He passes by some trees that were set up with proximity bombs on the ground. The bombs set off at the right time destroying four speeder bikes. A soldier on a bike attempts to shoot Evol. With just one shot, Evol turns around shooting the soldier in the head with his pistol. As Evol continues speeding up to his destination, he thought he lost the soldiers trying to speed up on him. Then he saw an X-wing in the sky. If Evol slows down, it will give the X-wing pilot a high chance of hitting him. The X-wing tries to fire on the speeder bike. The X-wing was not able to shoot Evol but was able to destroy the probe droid. As hope seemed lost for Evol, he suddenly notice he was near his destination. Evol knew he couldn't slow down as the X-wing fires its cannons a closes on Evol. So the bounty hunter jumps of his speeder bike making a rough landing resulting in nearly breaking his left leg. The x-finally hit the bike but Evol was still alive. Evol's ship is well camouflage. The X-wing pilot couldn't see his ship but can see the bounty hunter. Evol crawls to his ship since he couldn't walk very well. The X-wing fires a torpedo. The torpedo blasts the water resulting in a huge splash. It only made Evol wet. Evol finally reaches his ship. He opens the door and enters. The pilot was finally able to see there was a ship on the ground. But Evol was able to activate the main turret on hi ship. The turret fires and destroys the X-wing. Evol reaches the cockpit and flies his ship away from the planet. Two X-wings were closing in on Evol. But once Evol reaches space, he travels at light speed back to the star destroyer. The X-wing pilots decide not to go after him as it seems it would now be too dangerous. Evol then finally arrives at the star destroyer. He enters the hanger and lands his ship. He opens the door allowing the storm troopers to enter. Evol then gets off his seat then falls on the floor. "We need a medic!", said one of the storm troopers.

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