CHAPTER TWENTY-FOUR: Brotherly rescue

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The stealth ship that Brixy is flying has activated its cloaking device and its radar jammer to avoid attention from the enemy. Kyle worries about Lexus and his friends who are likely captured. The stealth crew gather around a table on the stealth ship think on how they will save their friends. Marv can tell that Kyle hasn't thought of a full plan yet. Everyone was doing their best to work together to think of a strategy for the rescue mission. They kept on discussing on how more information about the underground base is needed. They don't know their way around the caves. The place could still be heavily guarded. They not even sure if general Róx is in the caves. Suddenly, the mouse droid that was from the other star destroyer where the stealth crew rescued Alysia shows up. Kyle finally thought of a good plan. The mouse droid will spy the area around the caves. The stormtroopers won't realize that the mouse droid is working for the resistance. The droid will then return to a specific location and then lead the team to the prisoner room to resume Lexus and the others. Marv didn't see a problem with this simple plan. The mouse droid isn't likely to double-cross the stealth team and lead them to a trap because Alysia happens to be a trusted ally. The stealth ship has just arrived at its destination. Brixy descends the ship down the large hole. She looks for a safe place to land around the area. She suddenly looks at a cliff assuming that it's a safe place to land as long as the ship is in stealth mode. She calls up Kyle so she would know is it is okay to land. The captain gives permission for Brixy to land on the cliff. The crew then gets out to see the view. Straight ahead they can see that there is a window that reveals a dining room. Right below them is the ground floor where the star destroyer is under repairs for its one damaged thruster. "How deep do you think this humongous pit is?", said Shay. Kyle then grabs a rock. He throws it off the cliff to see how long it will reach the ground. Once he hears the rock near the ground, he answers Shay's question. "Twelve seconds down", said Kyle. "How deep is twelve seconds down?", said Cable. "Just count", Kyle responds. "Why is there a dining room over there?", said Theesa. "I wish I knew. But I feel there is something we to get ready for just in case anything bad happens", said Marv. "Shay, do you happen to have any sniper rifles?", Marv asked Shay. "Yes. I'll get them for you", Shay responds. "I'm going to find Lexus and the others", said Kyle. "You're not going alone", Marv tells Kyle. "Of course I'm not. I'm gonna have Shay come with me. Marv, I want you to stay here", said Kyle. "Whoa, are you sure you don't want me to come? There's nothing wrong with two Jedi for the job you know", Marv tells Kyle. "This is something I have to do. I appreciate your help, but it's best that you stay here. Please, I need you to trust me", said Kyle. "Why do you need me here?", said Marv. "I'm going to need you to do something very important for me. In case of an emergency, I need you to do something really crazy", Kyle tells Marv. The two then talk in private in the ship. What Kyle told Marv to do is yet to be known. Shay brings out a total of eight sniper rifles for those who will stay on the cliff just in case they have to shoot some stormtroopers in the dining room. As Kyle and Shay get ready to use their grappling systems to go down the cliff, Shay takes the mouse droid and carefully secures it with her hands. The grappling system that has stored the long thin wire was attached to the waist. Kyle and Shay attached their grappling hooks to the floor, then they decent down the cliff allowing the wire to lower them to the ground. It's was very deep as the two lower themselves to the floor. It took them a while to make it. But once they were at the end of their strings, they realize that the wire was not long enough for them to get to the floor. The two are now only twenty feet off the ground. Shay was worried. But Kyle had an idea. Kyle detaches himself from his wire and lands on the ground. Because he's a force user, he is able to land on the ground from great heights normal people wouldn't be able to land safely from. He then tells Shay to drop down the mouse droid. Shay does so and Kyle manages to catch the mouse droid, then puts it on the ground. Shay figured that Kyle wants her to detach herself from her wire and be catch from her captain. But she wasn't so sure about the idea at first. "Wait, you want me to just drop down and let you catch me?", said Shay. "Is there anything wrong?", said Kyle. "I'm about to drop twenty feet off the ground. I don't think I can survive that if my head hits the floor. I don't want to get hurt Kyle", said Shay. "Ah come on. What's there to worry about", said Kyle. "I don't like falling. It's very uncomfortable", said Shay. "Just trust me on this one Shay", said Kyle. "How will you make sure that I will land safely without me breaking any bones?", said Shay. "I'll use the force. Don't worry. It's all part of the plan", said Kyle. "So much for a trust fall", Shay mentions right before she detached herself from her wire. As she is falling, she screams, but only for a short period of time right before Kyle catches her. As Kyle carried her, he puts Shay to the ground on her feet. "See? Nothing to worry about. All part of the plan", said Kyle. "Can we not do this again?", sad Shay. "Won't make any promises", said Kyle. Now that the two are at the very bottom level of the underground base, they begin to find their way to rescue their friends. Kyle gives important instructions to the mouse droid. "Find a way to look for the prison room in the area. If you see General Róx, come back to us. We will be waiting for you", Kyle says to the mouse droid. The droid does so and went to find a way how to get to the prison room. Shay and Kyle waited in a hidden spot where the stormtroopers won't expect to find them. As the mouse droid was on his way, there were stormtroopers marching around the area. But they didn't bother to see the droid moving around. Suddenly, there was a shuttle that has arrived. As the shuttle lands on the ground, the door opens allowing Ral Archus and General Róx to exit. The mouse droid immediately goes away to get to Kyle and Shay. When the droid arrived, it informs Kyle and Shay that it has found the general. This was good news. The mouse droid then goes to where Róx is located. Kyle and Shay follow the droid. Stealth is of the most importance for the two. Róx can see that the mouse droid is following her. But she didn't realize that there was a problem. The general was about to enter an elevator. Two stormtroopers went with her in the elevator for the general's protection. The droid didn't come with them to the elevator. Kyle and Shay had to hurry to get to the elevator. Before the elevator starts to go up, Kyle and Shay manage to find a way to go on the elevator by entering the shaft and stay hidden by going on top of the ceiling of the elevator car. It was going to them a while to reach the top level. Kyle and Shay get ready to take on the the general and her stormtroopers. "Do you have a shock grenade?", Kyle asked Shay. "I always come prepared. "Are you going to cut a hole in the ceiling with your lightsaber?", said Shay. "Yes. And when as I do, you'll throw the shock grenade in the elevator. Shock grenades are designed to be non-lethal, but you shoot down those two stormtroopers inside. I'll go inside the elevator first to deal with the general", said Kyle. The captain gets ready to cut the hole. As he does so, he thinks about Róx who he needs to take on. He has a strange feeling because of how the general's good looks. He tries to hide his feeling from Shay. "Why do the bad guys have to look so good sometimes?", Kyle whispers to himself. "Did you say something?", said Shay. "Nothing! Well, nothing much", Kyle replies. "What did you say then?", said Shay. "Not now. We need to concentrate on restraining the general", said Kyle. "You must think the general's looks admiring", Shay tells Kyle in a taunting voice. "What? No, that's not the case", said Kyle. "Sure it's the case. You like how the general looks", said Shay. "Can we please just focus on the objective?", said Kyle. "I can tell there is something in particular you think about her", Shay tells Kyle in taunting manner. "Shay, the general is responsible for the death of over millions of people! There is no way I am going to fall for her. That woman is evil. She is not the one for me. There are many bad people in the galaxy who happen to be just as pretty as the general. But it's Theesa that I'm in love with, it's THEESA", said Kyle. "Oooooh I'm gonna tell Theesa", Shay tells Kyle. "No Shay please! If anyone is going to tell Theesa about this, it's going to be me. I'll do anything. Just don't tell Theesa", Kyle said to Shay. "Just express how you feel for the general. It's not hard. You just can't keep hiding your feeling you know", said Shay. "FINE! I'll do what you say. But Theesa can't know", said Kyle. "The princess might have to know eventually", said Shay. "Why can't I ever end up punishing you for every situation I have like this?", said Kyle. "Because you love me", said Shay. Kyle was bothered about what Shay is making home do. But he admits to himself that what Shay was saying is right. Meanwhile, as the stormtroopers were guarding the general, they assume that there may be something on top of the elevator car. "Do you hear something?", One of the stormtroopers mentioned. Suddenly, a blue lightsaber stabs through the ceiling. Kyle instantly cuts a hole holding his lightsaber with his left arm. Shay then throws the shock grenade through the hole into the elevator. The general and the two stormtroopers can feel the electric shock in their veins as the grenade hits them; it was painful for them, but it wasn't going to kill them. Shay then shoots down the two stormtroopers with her blaster pistols. Kyle enters the hole. As he got in the elevator, he pushes the general to the wall and restrains her by pushing her with his arms. Róx tries to set herself free, but Kyle was too strong. "Hey, shall we dance?", Kyle tells the general.

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