CHAPTER SIXTEEN: preparing for Sullust mission.

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Lexus was the leader of the second group of the crew. She was flying the v-strike to Sullust as assigned. The resistance already arrived in Sullust. Most of the star cruisers are in space. Only two cruisers landed on the planet surface of Sullust in resistance headquarter. Lexus was thinking to herself of how she can make herself useful to help the resistance. Lenon was the navigator and Abram was the co-pilot. Meanwhile, Kerr was giving a tour around the ship for Irris. Kerr explains to the queen how the ship started construction on Coruscant. Kerr also told Irris of how the crew became friend with Kyle and Lexus and where everyone in the crew are from. Irris was fascinated of what Ker told her. Z9-A5 then showed up telling Kerr and Irris that they will soon arrive in Sullust. Cable communicates to the resistance so they can arrive in Sullust safely. Cable them receive coordinates of a landing bay for the v-strike can land at and meet the resistance. Cable speaks on the radio telling they have the queen with them. The crew from the control room of a resistance ship was surprised to hear this. At first they thought of punishing the crew of the v-strike. Cable immediately called up the queen to talk to the resistance so they won't get in trouble. The crew of the v-strike proceeds for the arrival in Sullust. Two x-wing fighters flew by right and left of the v-strike to protect the ship for the safety of the queen. The v-strike then docks at the landing bay. Soldiers aligned left and right welcome the queens as she exits the ship. A resistance commander name Gallis jogged in a fast paste since he was a little worried about the queen. The door of the v-strike opens as queen Irris shows up. "Gallis, it's a pleasure to see you", Irris tells the commander. "Your highness, we were worried about you. You were not in the one of our large ships as assigned. People back in Gandhu were looking for you. May I ask, what have you've been doing?", said Gallis. "I had to do some important favors for this crew. I sneaked into this ship. The crew needed me. You don't have to worry any more", said Irris. "But it is still considered that this crew of yours kidnapped you because they took you without our permission. It is the law written for the royal family-", said Gallis. "A law that must be changed. As I would like to consider, these people did not kidnap me. I went with them. Nothing bad has happened. I just needed to give them some more money so they can purchase the stealth ship they needed to rescue the first order officer. The ship is more expensive than you think", said Irris. "This crew must face trial", said Gallis. "Say anything that would put an end to this crew and you will be banish! You will be stripped of you duty a resistance commander and be imprison for thirty years! This crew is helping us. We don't punish people who want to help and do the right thing. Soon enough, we will owe them. And this conversation is over. We have another meeting for finding the star destroyers on this planet. Lead me to the meeting area", said Irris. "Yes your highness", Gallis replied. "The crew of this ship will be joining us as well Gallis", said Irris. "Yes your highness", replied Gallis. The crew of the v-strike came along. For the queen and the crew to get to the meeting area, the had to ride speeder cruisers . Resistance soldiers drove the vehicles. It took them a while to get to their destination. As they arrived, the meeting took place outside. In the middle of the meeting area was a table that can show holographic images. The crew of the v-strike did not join the meeting. They just watch from a distance when the queen was talking to the four other commanders and a general. "Queen Irris, it's good that-", said the general. "Yes! I'm glad that I'm safe too general. So stop worrying about me and let's proceed with the meeting. Shall we?", said Irris. "Yes your majesty. We shall now focus on our objective to find the hidden star destroyers", said the second commander. The general turns on the hologram showing the entire planet of Sullust. "As you can see, these indicated points are the areas we have already investigated to see if the enemy is still around. These points cover most of the planet's area. Hidden factories are abandoned. Old vehicles are left for scrap. But no sign of the enemy. Although, there are areas that we did investigate but didn't realize there were hidden areas. As we all know it, construction sites are below the surface of Sullust", said the general. "It will take weeks to search the entire planet to know if there is that certain hidden construction site", said the second commander. "We should focus are methods for finding the construction site underground", said the third commander. "But how deep underground? If the first order is smart, they would construct if far deep below the surface of this planet", said the first commander. "How do they construct such a ship underground? They would have to transport materials needed to construct the ship to some kind of cave for the construction site", said the general. "Hidden tunnels! They transport materials through hidden tunnels!", said the third commander. "There are so many tunnels you can find here in Sullust. We will never find which tunnel is the right one to go into", said the second commander. "I know! We do have some Jedi around. They can use the force do we can easily find the hidden tunnel", said the fourth commander. "Do you have any idea how to force works!? I think you know nothing", said the second commander. "Throughout history, the force solves everything", said the fourth commander. "It will still take time to search the planet", said the second commander. "Queen Irris, where is your fellow Jedi bodyguard Marv Durren? He is a suitable fighter to find the hidden base", the second commander ask Irris. "He has other duties. His with the the other group of the crew on an important rescue mission", Irris replied. "We will assign three Jedi to find the hidden construction site", said the general. "Is there any way how we can find the hidden base without wasting so much time?", said the second commander. "I think you need to learn to have patience", Irris says to the second commander. "Well I think we should continue investigating the planet right away", said the first commander. "Well I have something to show to you everyone", said the general. The hologram then changes position. "I just learn about this recently. I kept this information classified so it would not draw attention for the rest of the resistance. This area over here, there were civilians who found wreckage of an odd looking tie fighter. They say this tie fighter is an upgraded version. Nobody knows how the vehicle got there, but it is our first hint of where the hidden star destroyers are. They didn't get very close to it because it may be dangerous to get up close to it. "I told the three Jedi about this. No one else knows but us, and apparently your friends who are standing there know as well queen Irris", said the general. "They are the ones who helped us get here in Sullust. We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for them", said Irris. "Then let's make our time useful then. You can bring your friends if you wish. This mission to find the hidden ships is voluntary you know", said the General. The general and the commanders were dismissed and assign to ride a shuttle to get to the area of the crashed tie fighter. Irris told the crew of the v-strike to head back to their ship and follow the shuttle to the destination. It took them some time to get to where they will arrive. When they got there, the dock at a certain section about 200 meters away from the wreckage of the tie fighter. Everyone in the shuttle exits the ship as well for the crew of the v-strike. The crew of the resistance shuttle brought along 12 resistance soldiers, and the three Jedi Knights. The general introduced to the crew the three Jedi: the Jedi that came along was master Yxnn, master Mey, and master Arix. Everyone looks at the crashed tie fighter from a distance. This is probably not a good a good idea. I think it's a set up. They know we are coming", said one of the resistance soldiers. "They are setting up a trap guys", said another resistance soldier. "They know we are here. I can feel it", said Yxnn. "Well what the hell is the point of this mission!?", exclaimed one of the resistance soldiers. "To get answers", said Lexus. Without hesitation, Lexus starts to walk up the tie fighter. Z9-A5 rush to join Lexus. "Lexus, don't be reckless! This is dangerous!", said Abram. "Hey, you guys are Jedi right!? Tell her this is not safe!", Abrum said to the Jedi. Arix decided to walk to Lexus and defend her while she was walking. He would stop Lexus if he senses something dangerous is afoot. But they got up close to the tie fighter unharmed. "It's alright everyone! It's all clear!", Lexus shouted. Everyone then walks closer to the tie fighter as much as Lexus did. They were surprise of the vehicles new designs. "This is quite impressive. It's a good thing we upgrades our vehicles and weapons too", said the general. "This is a terrible idea. They are setting us up. The enemy does something to get your attention. You go to where they want you to go to. But they trick you. They got you right where they want you. Nothing good ever happens when you are set up into a trap. Never", said a resistance soldier. "Not always", said Yxnn. "What do you mean not alway?", the resistance soldier says to Yxnn. "I can tell they are setting us up. They want us to come. But they don't know that we know we are heading into this trap of theirs", said Yxnn. "Use their own trap against them. But we don't even know what they are planning", said Mey. "Trust in the force. We trained our lives for this moment. I have a plan of my own", said Yxnn. "There are three ships in construction. We will be split into three separate groups", said Yxnn. "I like they way you are thinking master Yxnn. Perhaps we can put a tracking device on each ship", said Mey. "Our numbers must be small to not get any attention. Bringing 12 soldiers splitting to three groups would bee night to investigate the area", said Arix. The resistance soldier then joins the conversation with the Jedi. "Sorry if I'm interrupting your conversation. But what's the point of this mission you assigned us since there is the possibility that we could fail?", said the resistance soldier. "If we do nothing about this, it would not help. Even if we fail, at least it was more helpful than doing nothing. We may not have the best chance of being successful. But there is still that possibility of succeeding that we have. That is how the rebels defeated the empire", said Yxnn. "Well, this is a voluntary mission. Whelp, seems like my life's a wasting", said the resistance soldier. "Let me go. I'll take your place to go on this mission", Lexus said to the resistance soldier. "Who misses. Are you sure about this?", said the resistance soldier. "My friend died because of the first order and I want justice", replied Shay. "If you wish to leave, you are more than welcome to", Yxnn said to the soldier. "Looks like I'll live to fight another day then", said the soldier. "I want in as well", said Sanya. "We can't bring in too many people", said Arix. "If they wish to join in, they can take our place if that's fine with you guys", one resistance soldier tells the Jedi. "Very well then. Which among you of this crew wishes to join? You are the ones who helped us to get here", said Yxnn. All the members of the v-strike volunteered to go on the mission. So Lexus, Abrum, Sanya, Kerr, Lenon, and Cado came along. Only Aiden decided not to come. Out of the 12 resistance soldiers, only 6 were set out. Master Yxnn trusted the crew that went with them on the mission since Lexus told him they handle tough and dangerous situations before. Yxnn trusted Lexus since he has trust in Kyle Xyraunn who is the captain of the crew of the v-strike. So they started to proceed with the mission as they were walking up ahead. Then they all saw a tunnel. "They are expecting us to go into that tunnel. Going inside there will not be our best chance if we will survive on this mission. We must find another tunnel that will lead to the construction site", said Yxnn. "How do we know which way to go?", said Lenon. "Have trust in the force my friend", Yxnn replied. Master Yxnn lead the squad. Everyone continued to walk and follow the Jedi master. While they were walking, Abrum had something to say to Lexus. "Hey", said Abrum. "Yes?", Lexus replied. "I know we have been trough some dangerous moments over the past somewhat years. The things that we do are life threatening", said Abrum. "Let's just hope we'll survive this. I'm doing this for justice", said Lexus. "I know that you are very upset about Den's death. I feel the same way. But whatever bad situation happens, know that it's not your fault Lexus. We want justice for Den too. That is why we're going with you", said Abrum. Lexus was the leader of the second group of the crew. She was flying the v-strike to Sullust as assigned. The resistance already arrived in Sullust. Most of the star cruisers are in space. Only two cruisers landed on the planet surface of Sullust in resistance headquarter. Lexus was thinking to herself of how she can make herself useful to help the resistance. Lenon was the navigator and Abram was the co-pilot. Meanwhile, Kerr was giving a tour around the ship for Irris. Kerr explains to the queen how the ship started construction on Coruscant. Kerr also told Irris of how the crew became friend with Kyle and Lexus and where everyone in the crew are from. Irris was fascinated of what Ker told her. Z9-A5 then showed up telling Kerr and Irris that they will soon arrive in Sullust. Cable communicates to the resistance so they can arrive in Sullust safely. Cable them receive coordinates of a landing bay for the v-strike can land at and meet the resistance. Cable speaks on the radio telling they have the queen with them. The crew from the control room of a resistance ship was surprised to hear this. At first they thought of punishing the crew of the v-strike. Cable immediately called up the queen to talk to the resistance so they won't get in trouble. The crew of the v-strike proceeds for the arrival in Sullust. Two x-wing fighters flew by right and left of the v-strike to protect the ship for the safety of the queen. The v-strike then docks at the landing bay. Soldiers aligned left and right to welcome the queens as she exits the ship. A resistance commander name Gallis jogged in a fast paste since he was a little worried about the queen. The door of the v-strike opens as queen Irris shows up. "Gallis, it's a pleasure to see you", Irris tells the commander. "Your highness, we were worried about you. You were not in the one of our large ships as assigned. People back in Gandhu were looking for you. May I ask, what have you've been doing?", said Gallis. "I had to do some important favors for this crew. I sneaked into this ship. The crew needed me. You don't have to worry any more", said Irris. "But it is still considered that this crew of yours kidnapped you because they took you without our permission. It is the law written for the royal family-", said Gallis. "A law that must be changed. As I would like to consider, these people did not kidnap me. I went with them. Nothing bad has happened. I just needed to give them some more money so they can purchase the stealth ship they needed to rescue the first order officer. The ship is more expensive than you think", said Irris. "This crew must face trial", said Gallis. "If you say anything again about punishing this crew, you will be banish! You will be stripped of you duty a resistance commander and be imprison for thirty years! This crew is helping us. We don't punish people who want to help and do the right thing. Soon enough, we will owe them. And this conversation is over. We have another meeting for finding the star destroyers that are on this planet. Lead me to the meeting area", said Irris. "Yes your highness", Gallis replied. "The crew of this ship will be joining us as well Gallis", said Irris. "Yes your highness", replied Gallis. The crew of the v-strike came along. For the queen and the crew to get to the meeting area, the had to ride speeder cruisers . Resistance soldiers drove the vehicles. It took them a while to get to their destination. As they arrived, the meeting took place outside. In the middle of the meeting area was a table that can show holographic images. The crew of the v-strike did not join the meeting. They just watch from a distance when the queen was talking to the four other commanders and a general. "Queen Irris, it's good that-", said the general. "Yes! I'm glad that I'm safe too general. So stop worrying about me and let's proceed with the meeting. Shall we?", said Irris. "Yes your majesty. We shall now focus on our objective to find the hidden star destroyers", said the second commander. The general turns on the hologram showing the entire planet of Sullust. "As you can see, these indicated points are the areas we have already investigated to see if the enemy is still around. These points cover most of the planet's area. Hidden factories are abandoned. Old vehicles are left for scrap. But no sign of the enemy. Although, there are areas that we did investigate but didn't realize there were hidden areas. As we all know it, construction sites are below the surface of Sullust", said the general. "It will take weeks to search the entire planet to know if there is that certain hidden construction site", said the second commander. "We should focus are methods for finding the construction site underground", said the third commander. "But how deep underground? If the first order is smart, they would construct if far deep below the surface of this planet", said the first commander. "How do they construct such a ship underground? They would have to transport materials needed to construct the ship to some kind of cave for the construction site", said the general. "Hidden tunnels! They transport materials through hidden tunnels!", said the third commander. "There are so many tunnels you can find here in Sullust. We will never find which tunnel is the right one to go into", said the second commander. "I know! We do have some Jedi around. They can use the force do we can easily find the hidden tunnel", said the fourth commander. "Do you have any idea how to force works!? I think you know nothing", said the second commander. "Throughout history, the force solves everything", said the fourth commander. "It will still take time to search the planet", said the second commander. "Queen Irris, where is you fellow Jedi bodyguard Marv Durren? He is a suitable fighter to find the hidden base", the second commander ask Irris. "He has other duties. His with the the other group of the crew on an important rescue mission", Irris replied. "We will assign three Jedi to find the hidden construction site", said the general. "Is there any way how we can find the hidden base without wasting so much time?", said the second commander. "I think you need to learn to have patience", Irris says to the second commander. "Well I think we should continue investigating the planet right away", said the first commander. "Well I have something to show to you everyone", said the general. The hologram then changes position. "I just learn about this recently. I kept this information classified so it would not draw attention for the rest of the resistance. This area over here, there were civilians who found wreckage of an odd looking tie fighter. They say this tie fighter is an upgraded version. Nobody knows how the vehicle got there, but it is our first hint of where the hidden star destroyers are. They didn't get very close to it because it may be dangerous to get up close to it. "I told the three Jedi about this. No one else knows but us, and apparently your friends who are standing there know as well queen Irris", said the general. "They are the ones who helped us get here in Sullust. We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for them", said Irris. "Then let's make our time useful then. You can bring your friends if you wish. This mission to find the hidden ships is voluntary you know", said the General. The general and the commanders were dismissed and assign to ride a shuttle to get to the area of the crashed tie fighter. Irris told the crew of the v-strike to head back to their ship and follow the shuttle to the destination. It took them some time to get to where they will arrive. When they got there, the dock at a certain section about 200 meters away from the wreckage of the tie fighter. Everyone in the shuttle exits the ship as well for the crew of the v-strike. The crew of the resistance shuttle brought along 12 resistance soldiers, and the three Jedi Knights. The general introduced to the crew the three Jedi: the Jedi that came along was master Yxnn, master Mey, and master Arix. Everyone looks at the crashed tie fighter from a distance. This is probably not a good a good idea. I think it's a set up. They know we are coming", said one of the resistance soldiers. "They are setting up a trap guys", said another resistance soldier. "They know we are here. I can feel it", said Yxnn. "Well what the hell is the point of this mission!?", exclaimed one of the resistance soldiers. "To get answers", said Lexus. Without hesitation, Lexus starts to walk up the tie fighter. Z9-A5 rush to join Lexus. "Lexus, don't be reckless! This is dangerous!", said Abrum. "Hey, you guys are Jedi right!? Tell her this is not safe!", Arum said to the Jedi. Arix decided to walk to Lexus and defend her while she was walking. He would stop Lexus if he senses something dangerous is afoot. But they got up close to the tie fighter unharmed. "It's alright everyone! It's all clear!", Lexus shouted. Everyone then walks closer to the tie fighter as much as Lexus did. They were surprise of the vehicles new designs. "This is quite impressive. It's a good thing we upgrades our vehicles and weapons too", said the general. "This is a terrible idea. They are setting us up. The enemy does something to get your attention. You go to where they want you to go to. But they trick you. They got you right where they want you. Nothing good ever happens when you are set up into a trap. Never", said a resistance soldier. "Not always", said Yxnn. "What do you mean not alway?", the resistance soldier says to Yxnn. "I can tell they are setting us up. They want us to come. But they don't know that we know we are heading into this trap of theirs", said Yxnn. "Use their own trap against them. But we don't even know what they are planning", said Mey. "Trust in the force. We trained our lives for this moment. I have a plan of my own", said Yxnn. "There are three ships in construction. We will be split into three separate groups", said Yxnn. "I like they way you are thinking master Yxnn. Perhaps we can put a tracking device on each ship", said Mey. "Our numbers must be small to not get any attention. Bringing 12 soldiers splitting to three groups would bee night to investigate the area", said Arix. The resistance soldier then joins the conversation with the Jedi. "Sorry if I'm interrupting your conversation. But what's the point of this mission you assigned us since there is the possibility that we could fail?", said the resistance soldier. "If we do nothing about this, it would not help. Even if we fail, at least it was more helpful than doing nothing. We may not have the best chance of being successful. But there is still that possibility of succeeding that we have. That is how the rebels defeated the empire", said Yxnn. "Well, this is a voluntary mission. Whelp, seems like my life's a wasting", said the resistance soldier. "Let me go. I'll take your place to go on this mission", Lexus said to the resistance soldier. "Who misses. Are you sure about this?", said the resistance soldier. "My friend died because of the first order and I want justice", replied Shay. "If you wish to leave, you are more than welcome to", Yxnn said to the soldier. "Looks like I'll live to fight another day then", said the soldier. "I'm want into", said Sanya. "We can't bring in too many people", said Arix. "If they wish to join in, they can take our place if that's fine with you guys", one resistance soldier tells the Jedi. "Very well then. Which among you of this crew wishes to join? You are the ones who helped us to get here", said Yxnn. All the members of the v-strike volunteered to go on the mission. So Lexus, Abrum, Sanya, Kerr, Lenon, and Cado came along. Only Aiden decided not to come. Out of the 12 resistance soldiers, only 6 were set out. Master Yxnn trusted the crew that went with them on the mission since Lexus told him they handle tough and dangerous situations before. Yxnn trusted Lexus since he has trust in Kyle Xyraunn who is the captain of the crew of the v-strike. So they started to proceed with the mission as they were walking up ahead. Then they all saw a tunnel. "They are expecting us to go into that tunnel. Going inside there will not be our best chance if we will survive on this mission. We must find another tunnel that will lead to the construction site", said Yxnn. "How do we know which way to go?", said Lenon. "Have trust in the force my friend", Yxnn replied. Master Yxnn lead the squad. Everyone continued to walk and follow the Jedi master. While they were walking, Abrum had something to say to Lexus. "Hey", said Abrum. "Yes?", Lexus replied. "I know we have been trough some dangerous moments over the past somewhat years. The things that we do are life threatening", said Abrum. "Let's just hope we'll survive this. I'm doing this for justice", said Lexus. "I know that you are very upset about Den's death. I feel the same way. But whatever bad situation happens, know that it's not your fault Lexus. We want justice for Den too. That is why we're going with you", said Abrum. 

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