Dark Dreams

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*in the human world at the Sparkle and Shine residence*

Spike/Barbra- *sleeping peacefully in their doggie beds*

Twilight/Dusk:*in their sleep* No... It can't be...! It isn't true...! *tossing and turning uncomfortably*

Fluttershy: Um, Twilight? Dusk? [knock on door quietly]

Butterscotch- *softly* Are you two still asleep?

Spike/Barbra : *wakes up*[barks excitedly]

Rainbow/Blitz: *yelling* Twilight! Dusk! The bus for Camp Everfree leaves in ten minutes!

*the two instantly wake up and put on their glasses*

Twilight Sparkle: *quickly opens the door* *worried* Oh, no-no-no-no-no! 

Dusk- *worried* I can't believe we overslept!

*the others walk in*

Sunset Shimmer: *sits on the bed* Me neither. That's not like you two.

Spike- *admits* They haven't been sleeping well lately...

Twilight/Dusk- *glares at them*

Pinkie Pie: Don't you have a super-annoying alarm clock that goes [imitates alarm clock buzzer]? * checks under the pillow to find an alarm clock* [alarm clock buzzer]

Bubble- *smiles* Like that.

Glare: *reassures them* It's gonna be fine. We'll help you pack.

*the two nod and head to their closets*

Princess Twilight- *calmly*  This is going to be very enjoyable *puts a book in Twilight's bag*

Prince Dusk- *smiles* It' be nice getting out to the open spaces for a change *puts a book in Dusk's bag*

*a stuffed llama, a dog toy, a donut, a flashlight, and a picture of Rainbow Dash and Rainbow Blitz  is in Twilight's and Dusk's  bag*

AJ- *unamused* Are Applejack and I the only ones who know how to pack? *puts flashlights in their bags*

*Twilight and Dusk come out dressed in their camp outfits*

Dusk- *smiles* Okay. We should be good.

Twilight- *smiles* I think we're ready.

*the other girls and guys look at them with cheeky grins on their faces*

Twilight/Dusk- *looks at each other then at them* What?

Elusive- *calmly* Not quite darlings. Your shoes don't really match...each other.

*the two look at each other and look down to see they have mix match shoes*

Twilight/Dusk- *sheepishly in unison* Right...

*the two go back to their closet bypassing the mirror but then stop and looks at themselves*

Princess Twilight- *her smile fades* Twilight? Dusk?

Prince Dusk- *concerned* Is everything alright?

*Twilight and Dusk look and see their reflections staring back at them then their reflections take on malicious grins with their eyes being cyan with magenta pupils* 

Twilight/Dusk- *the two back up in fear* No...

*the Twilight and Dusk in the reflection grin wickedly and transform into Midnight and Nightfall*

Humane 8/Human Colt 8: Midnight Sparkle?! Nightfall Dusk?!

Dusk- *worried* That's impossible!

Twilight Sparkle:*scared*  Sunset, Glare and the others helped us defeat you two at the Friendship Games!

*Midnight and Nightfall sinisterly laugh from within the mirror and disappear but their laughter remains*

*the girls and guys start to get nervous*

Princess Twilight/Prince Dusk- *get up and walk over to Twilight and Dusk and puts their hands on their shoulders in reassurance* *calmly smiles with their eyes closed*

Twilight/Dusk- *looks at them in concern*

Princess Twilight/Prince Dusk- *their eyes snap open to be just like Midnight's and Nightfall's while grinning evilly while speaking in Midnight and Nightfall's sinister voices*  You and your friends can never truly defeat us! [maniacal laughter as they transform into Midnight and Nightfall]

Twilight/Dusk- *gets away from them in fear*

*the guys and girls look in fear*

* Twilight's and  Dusk's room starts to disintegrate*

Applejack, AJ, Rarity, Elusive, Blitz  and Rainbow Dash: [scream in fear] *disintegrates*

Fluttershy, Butterscotch, Bubble and Pinkie Pie: [scream in fear] *disintegrates*

Spike's, Barbra's, Glare, and Sunset : [scream in fear]

Twilight/Dusk- *backs up in fear to the mirror while looking at the "possessed" Princess Twilight and Prince Dusk* 

Midnight/Nightfall: *their reflections are in the mirror* Midnight Sparkle and Nightfall Dusk are apart of you! *their hands comes from out of the mirror and tries to grab Twilight and Dusk* *sinister grin*

Twilight/Dusk- *runs in fear but sees that the floor and her room disintegrate* *the two come face to face with Princess Twilight and Prince Dusk who are grinning evilly*

Midnight/Nightfall: *as Princess Twilight and Prince Dusk* *grabs their chins while grinning evilly* *sinisterly*  We'll always be there waiting in the darkest shadows of your mind!  *claws at Twilight's dreamscape nearly ripping it with golden flames* *bellows wickedly* We'll be back, Twilight and Dusk! *the two disappear in pure shadow*

Twilight/Dusk- *scared* *feels Midnight and Nightfall  grabbing their shoulders from behind* *looks at her in fear*

Midnight/Nightfall- *grabs her from behind darkly* And this time, we won't stop until we have all the magic! *thrusts themselves into Twilight and Dusk  phasing inside them*

Twilight/Dusk: *feels the dark wings on his back* *the horn gnarled on their heads* *their glasses break and are replaced with Midnight's and Nightfall's  flame masks* *screams in pain* NO!

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