On the Verge of Being Lost

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*back the the camp Glory and Gloriosa land on the sundial glaring at the Humane 5 and Human Colt 5 in anger*

* the Humane 5 and Hunan Colt 5 looks at them in worry*

Rarity- *notices the geodes around Glory and Gloriosa's neck* *to the others* Have you noticed their neckalaces?

Rainbow- *whispers while glaring* Not really. We've been busy outrunning them to pay attention to their accesorries.

Elusive- *serious* They're glowing. It has to be the source of their powers.

Blitz- *concerned* Oh. *looks at the necklace and sees it glowing* We gotta get it off of them.

*Rainbow and Blitz spped off*

*they're inturupted by Gloriosa and Glory screaming*

Gloriosa: *agitated* Why are you fighting us?!

Glory- *agitated* We're doing this to save our camp!

Glory/Gloriosa- *agitated* We're doing this for all of you!

Rarity: [chuckles nervously]*holds onto Elusive's shoulder* Gloriosa, Glory let's all just think about this for a moment.

Elusive- *smiles nervously* I mean, we all think Camp Everfree is absolutely delightful without a doubt...

*the Humane 3 and Human Colt 3 nods nervously in agreement*

Applejack/AJ- *lightly sighs in relief*

Rarity- *smirks* ...but I just don't know that I'm quite ready to give up my weekly trips to the spa.

Elusive- *nods in agreement* Me neither...*smiles at them*

*Applejack and AJ  face palm*

Gloriosa/Glory: [sweetly] *forced maniacal grin* To the spa...? *grin turns into pure anger* [enraged] TO THE SPA?! *the brambles shoot out of the ground rapidly*

*Rarity, Elusive, Applejack, AJ, Pinkie, Bubble, Fluttershy, Butterscotch look at them in fear*

Rainbow/Blitz: *tries to run to run to the others* *a bramble trips them and knocks them into the others*

*Glory and Gloriosa are getting wrapped in brambles in satisfaction*

Fluttershy- *worriedly* Gloriosa! Glory! Please! If this continues, light and air can't get in!

Butterscotch- *worriedly* And if that happens then no one will be able to enjoy camp...well...*flattens his ears worriedly*

Applejack/AJ- *worried* We'll be goners.

*the others nod worriedly*

Glory- *aims his magic at them* *glares with his eyes glowing* It's no use.

Gloriosa- *aims her magic at them* *glares with her eyes glowing* This is our home and WE WILL PROTECT IT!

*the Mane 5 and Colt 5 detransform and look in fear and worry*

Glory/Gloriosa- *angrily* AND NO ONE WILL STAND IN OUR WAY!

*the Mane 5 and Colt 5 huddle together and brace for impact but Timber and Forest puts themselves between their siblings and the boys and girls*

Timber- *worriedly* Glory! Daisy! STOP!

Forest- *worriedly* This isn't the way to do things!

*the two stop and look and Timber and Forest*

Forest- *worriedly with tears in her eyes* We...we get it, ever since we lost Mom and Dad...you two did everything to take care of me and Timber. You two took care of every single kid that's ever come here.

My Little Pony Equestria Girls/Equestria Guys: Legend of Everfree Where stories live. Discover now